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This Young Engineer is Determined to Find the Cure for Cancer

Will she be able to find what she is looking for?

Motivated by the death of her significant others due to cancer, Farah Shamout, a computer engineering student at New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to find the cure for cancer through her own ways. She contributes to the research in treating cancer by applying her engineering skills into the field of biomedical engineering.

Cure for Cancer (Source: The National)

Ms Shamout spent four months of work with a lecturer at the Imperial College London to research ways in delivering medicine to diseased cells using ultrasound. It was published in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology with an aim to create non-invasive methods in treating cancer and heart diseases.

Cure for Cancer (Source: The Gazette)

“There is a lot of research being put into this area and I just wanted to contribute to it, regardless of whether the results of my research will be employed in two, five or even 20 years,” the 21-year-old engineer said.

Cure for Cancer (Source: New York University, Abu Dhabi)

Two of Shamout’s uncles and her grandmother suffered from cancer that led to their deaths two years ago. It is where this engineer was inspired to find the long overdue cure for cancer

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This Young Engineer is Determined to Find the Cure for Cancer

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