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Top 5 Tech Predictions You Need To Know For 2017

This report will serve as a warning signal to different companies and organizations.

Recently, The Future Today has released the “2017 Tech Trends Report”. This report discussed in detail the emerging technology trends that will influence business, education, politics, government, education and society. This report will serve as a warning signal to different companies and organizations.

Once they understand the impact of these emerging trends, business leaders will be able to integrate these trends with their current plans, operations and business models.

IBM has summarized the highlights of these reports into 5 parts. Here they are:

#1 Artificial Intelligence

Source: Mavenwave

Artificial intelligence is now advanced enough wherein it is already part of the majority trends that outlined in this report. So, for businesses, researchers, and engineers, it is important to familiarize yourselves with AI. Soon, AI will be integrated into everything organizations do professionally, since AI offers significant benefits to organizations.

#2 Bots and virtual agents will be utilized

Source: Engadget

Last year, there have been numerous bots have emerged in the tech business industry. Proof of this is the existence of more than 12,000 Facebook Messenger bots, and a whole set of new platforms which are utilized by organizations so they can build their own bots. An example of companies who use these bots is KLM, a Dutch airline company, which uses bots to push boarding passes and gives automatic updates to customers.

This 2017, you’ll expect to see a great number of bots that will be utilized by major brands. Customer service interactions will be automated, as well as social media engagements. Bots can be very helpful to companies who need to cater to customer service responses. Using bots will make their task easier as they will answer commonly asked customer queries automatically. This will allow agents to focus more on the complex questions and customers who need human interaction.

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#3 Cognitive Computing is set to accelerate

Source: Jenunderwood

A good example of a cognitive computing system is IBM Watson, which helps humans and businesses by solving complex problems. This new platform is now helping doctors, scientists, engineers, lawyers, and other professionals in their daily work. They help in researching, personalizing customer service, improve data discovery, and search through age old reports and files in just seconds!

We can expect cognitive computing to accelerate in 2017.

#4 Shortage of data scientists and analysts due to big data boom

Source: Michaelbailyassociates

This 2017, we can expect large businesses to increase the demand for more analytics tools and experts to help in key business decisions. We may expect to see an increase for the position of Chief Data Officer in mid-sized and large organizations. They will be in charge of spearheading big data initiatives to drive smart decisions as well as work together on security and surface insights.

#5 More innovations!

Source: Wharton

This 2017 we will expect the vast growth of technological trend. In the 2017 Tech Trend Report, there are more than 150 notable trends, and that’s an amazing 85% increase from the 80 trends that were highlighted in the 2016 report. As innovation and technology will continue to advance rapidly, we will see more technology giving life to more new tech.

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Top 5 Tech Predictions You Need To Know For 2017

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