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Engineers Should Learn To Challenge Themselves

We, engineers have been so used to being the smartest people in the crowd that sometimes we tend to forget to push ourselves further.


In the technological society we live on nowadays, it’s becoming more and more difficult to live up to the great engineers and scientists that came before us. Nothing much is new, since our generation has seen pretty much everything. So very few people challenge themselves anymore, this is especially true for engineers.

We, engineers have been so used to being the smartest people in the crowd that sometimes we tend to forget to push ourselves further. Instead of trying to improve ourselves a step or two further in our current careers, we tend to stay stagnant in a job—because it’s comfortable or we don’t bother improving ourselves because of job security.

The easy way out

Source: Giphy

I have seen so many peers who try to take the easy way out—including myself. It’s sad to see the excitement and glimmer in an engineering graduate’s eyes only lasts for a few short years, then quickly fades away into the darkness of routine and habit. That’s when I learned that sometimes we have to push ourselves further, stop settling for mediocrity, challenge ourselves and get your game face on!

Source: Giphy

Come on, guys! We’re engineers, we don’t really work well with routines, we’re crazy for action! Once in a while break your routines, get out of your cubicles, and learn something new! Find a new loophole at work you can improve, attend new seminars and conferences that will improve your skills, ask a colleague to teach you a new technique—or share your technique to others.

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Don’t stop at “that’s just the way we’ve always done it.”

Challenge yourselves with continuous improvement.

When you do this, not only will you have a new set of skills, you’ll also find that your job will be more fulfilling than ever.


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Engineers Should Learn To Challenge Themselves

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