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The World’s First Tidal Energy Farm

Atlantis Resources recently unveiled a turbine that is designed to generate electricity from the tides at Scotland’s north coast.

Atlantis Resources recently unveiled a turbine that is designed to generate electricity from the tides at Scotland’s north coast. This giant dynamo will be the first of the four that is to be deployed in the waters as part of the first Phase of the MeyGen tidal stream project—the world’s first large-scale tidal energy farm.

Tidal Energy Farm (Photo credit: Atlantis Resources)

This turbine stands at 15 meters (49 ft) tall, with 16 meter (52 ft) blades. It weighs around 200 tonnes (220 tons), and each turbine has a 1.5 megawatt (MW) capacity. The said project aims to install 269 turbines to have a capacity of 398 MW, which is enough to power 175,000 homes.

“I am incredibly proud of Scotland’s role in leading the way in tackling climate change and investment in marine renewables is a hugely important part of this,” According to first minister Nicola Sturgeon. “MeyGen is set to invigorate the marine renewables industry in Scotland and provide vital jobs for a skilled workforce, retaining valuable offshore expertise here in Scotland that would otherwise be lost overseas,” she added. The Scottish government funded the project with £23m.

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The World’s First Tidal Energy Farm

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