How Do You Keep Engineers Happy In The Office

For most companies, success comes when the employees who work there are happy with their management and how they are treated during office hours.

For most companies, success comes when the employees and engineers who work there are happy with their management and how they are treated during office hours. For those who end up frustrated at work, they often don’t last in the company. As for engineers, we all know that the workload can be too heavy and toxic, especially when we don’t like what we are doing.

This is why employers and the leaders in any team must strive to keep their engineers happy. But how does one keep an engineer from leaving the office? Here are suggestions to keep everyone who works for/under you happy.

Source: Saida Online


Just because their position is lower than yours doesn’t mean that you can shout at them or even degrade them when something goes wrong. Treat your engineers with respect. Listen to what they have to say and put some value to your working relationship with them.


Let your engineers own their work and once you make them feel that their opinions ad involvement matter in the success of what they do, they’ll be more committed and feel more excited to get things done.


Make sure your engineers are not slaves to their work and they’d maintain a flexible schedule. This will help them achieve a balanced work-and-home life.


Be in the moment. Once you’re in the same room with the people who work for/under you, take the opportunity to listen to them and be approachable.

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It is important that you show you care to the engineers you work with.


Help your engineers feel empowered by encouraging them to voice out their opinions and be involved in the work. Empowering them will help them be more invested in the outcome of your work.


Be clear with what you want your team to achieve and let each engineer know what they need to do to achieve them.


When setting standards, make sure you follow them as well. Also, be sure you are consistent. Be a great leader by walking the walk and talking the talk.


By being appreciative to the people you work with, your relationship will not only improve. It will also give a pleasant work environment in the office. This will avoid fights and drama.

Source: Giphy

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How Do You Keep Engineers Happy In The Office

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