Universities That Offer Free Engineering Courses Online

They don’t give you college credit, but hey, they’re free and are pretty useful.

Online courses are all the rage nowadays, and a lot of universities are offering them for free. These free courses might not earn you any college credit, but it’s pretty helpful if you wanna study further on a subject, do some advanced reading, or are just simply interested in engineering as a hobby. They’re free, with 0 tuition or miscellaneous fees, so it’s quite a good catch. Here are 5 Universities that offer free online courses on engineering topics.

Carnegie Mellon University

Source: Youtube

CMU offers a free online course on engineering statics, which discuss physics topics of force, like friction trusses, equilibrium and engineering connections via text, animation, audio, images, simulations, and self-assessment exercises.

Delft University of Technology

Source: Youtube, TU Delft

Interested students can watch online video courses on Analog Integrated Circuit Design, System Identification and Parameter Estimation, and Vibrations in video format on the school website or on iTunes.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Source: MIT Connect – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The ever prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology now offers online courses to us normal people to on topics such as Integrated Chemical Engineering II, Introduction to Bioengineering, Introduction to Civil Engineering Design, Management in Engineering, and Numerical Computation for Mechanical Engineers. They’re usually available in PDF format with supporting help videos, though some do require readings from other sources and software for Computer-aided design (CAD).

University of California – Berkeley

Source: University of California, Berkeley

UC Berkeley offers a course on Electrical Engineering, covering topics such as transfer functions, frequency response and power calculations. They’re available in 24 audio-visual podcasts in iTunes.

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Utah State University

Source: HDR, Inc.

Finally, there’s Utah State University, which offers 4 engineering online courses: Biochemical Engineering, Communication Systems I, Fluid Mechanics, and Uncertainty in Engineering Analysis. The only downside is that most of these online courses require textbooks, but they also do come in PDF format to help you along just in case you can’t afford one.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Universities That Offer Free Engineering Courses Online

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