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10 Reasons Why You Should Date an Engineer this February

Finding a guy to date? Pick an engineer. Here are 10 reasons why.

(Source: Giphy)

Why You Should Date an Engineer? Well, here are the 10 valid reasons. Sleep with an engineer tonight and wake up smarter! Happy Valentines Day


It doesn’t take so much of a love guru to say that engineers make the best dates. Engineers have it running in their veins that they possess the qualities of good lovers, if not the best. This isn’t a famous fact because engineers still belong to the wrong stereotype: nerdy, boring and unromantic.



That’s unfair. It is tested and proven, at least to those who have actually dated an engineer, that people in the field of engineering are capable of being romantics (not necessarily hopeless) and are more than aware of this crazy, little thing called love. Engineers are destined for long-term relationships, if that’s what you are looking for, all because of their ability to love (and make love). Here are proofs, the very reasons why you should date an engineer:

Engineers will let you experience flirting that is out of the dating norm.

Engineers have always equipped with math and physics puns up their sleeves that will make you tickle your funny bone while on a date. The other end may not understand it at times when the engineer pulls off a trigonometric identity flirting joke, but it’s sure an experience the date would enjoy and learn at the same time. And this is just one speck of their sense of humor.


Engineers know their way around tools, even when they haven’t used those tools before.

Most people assume that engineers always know the tools when it comes to do-it-yourself repairs at home. While that’s not true, it is in an engineer’s nature to have a hand that can hold and use such tools despite the unfamiliarity. Engineers will learn his way in discovering what the tool is for, and will try to fix anything that is broken at your home. If that’s not one quality you are looking for in a future husband, I don’t know what is.

Engineers can stay late at night.

Pulling all-nighters are what engineers do during college to study or finish a project. And this transcends to professional work. So you wouldn’t have a problem if you want to extend your night with something, or have post-date activities (if you know what I mean).


Engineers love to plan almost everything in their lives.

It could be anything: a weekend out of town, a dinner date, and even your entire life together, if that doesn’t scare you on dating stage – engineers already thought about it and may already have a plan about your future together. It is innate for engineers to be good at this because of the nature of work.

Engineers resolve conflict in the relationship by their critical thinking.


You won’t have a problem having to argue with an engineer because he is always equipped with logical analysis that will stop the wound before it bleeds. In every couple fight you have or maybe a misunderstanding with your bestfriend, the engineer looks at it with utmost critical thinking in order to solve the problem just like what they do on the job.

Engineers are best at commitments.

Source: Tumblr

Do you think going through 4 or more years in engineering school is not called a commitment? The struggle in there is so real that it will take a strong heart, a sound mind and a will to survive to stay. You don’t have to worry about the engineer leaving you so easily even if you are difficult. Engineers are trained to endure anything for something, in this case, someone, they love.

Engineers value clothing gifts.

Source: Seventeen

Finding a gift to an engineer isn’t so hard at all. Being accustomed to just wearing shirts and jeans, engineers will receive clothing items as gifts with so much appreciation.

Engineers are almost always organized.

Source: Giphy

When you get to see an engineer’s desk in his office, all files are in a specific order and are structured so well. Every item is placed where it should be. This is what will happen in your future house, say you choose to end up with the engineer you are dating. Unless you like to be disorganized, I’m sorry but the engineer will not adjust for you.

Engineers are creative, too.

Source: Share GIF

Most people think that engineering is about being technical all the time. While the technical part is true, the ‘all the time’ part is not. Engineers also possess a certain level of creativity which is admirable. This often translates to their humor. Who wouldn’t want a fun, creative guy as a partner in life?

Engineers are always approved by parents.

I mean, which parents would say no to high-earning, stable guys? None. Engineers belong so well in that league. It’s won’t take so much of an effort to get the approval of your parents. So get yourself an engineer to date, and eventually to marry.

Source: Reaction GIFs

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10 Reasons Why You Should Date an Engineer this February

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