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How Often Do Young Engineers Have Sex?

We live in an age where movies show us that casual hooking up is normal.

Here’s a million-dollar question? How often do young engineers have sex?


We live in an age where movies show us that casual hooking up is normal. We see college students in movies having sex all the time and we often wonder if is it really possible. Perhaps going to an online adult store to buy kinky stuff before having a blast with their partners.

Despite the stereotype given to professional young engineers and engineering students, we all know not every engineering student is a nerd who can’t talk to the opposite sex. Some are just charming and can land a girl (or a guy) as soon as he or she enters the bar. But let’s talk about how often young engineers generally have sex now.

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There was research conducted in the US lately. According to the survey, young adults who were born in the 60s were having sex more compared to young adults today. This comes as quite a shock for most of us since the media likes to point out how crazy young adults are now when it comes to hooking up. Just swipe right in a dating app and you’ll find yourself a new person to sleep with tonight.

The research shows that between the age of 20 and 24, there was an increase from 6% to 15% in the amount of people who had no sexual partner these days. The research has 27,000 people participated in the study. It was published in Archives of Sexual Behavior. 


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According to Ryne Sherman from Florida Atlantic University, a co-author of the research, “You would expect, based on the popular notion that with apps such as Tinder, it’s a group that is looking for hook-ups and not long-term relationships. But what we are seeing is this group is less likely to hook up, so to speak than previous generations.” Sherman also added, “What it probably means is there are more young people who are virgins than young people who were virgins in the past.”

The study compared people who were born in the 1960s and those who were born in the 1990s. Results show that 2.3% of the women who were born in the 60s were sexually inactive while 5.4% of women born in the 90s were active.

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The authors also noted:

“Americans are now strikingly more accepting of premarital sex, but more of those born in the 1990s, in particular, are nevertheless foregoing sex during young adulthood. The new sexual revolution has apparently left behind a larger segment of the generation than first thought.”

So if you ever find yourself feeling sad that you’re still a virgin or the movies you’ve seen didn’t live up to your expectation, don’t worry. You are not alone. Less young adults are now compared to those who lived in the past.


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Engr. Paige Peterson
Angel Investor & Director at GineersNow. MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. Electrical engineer from Uni of Melbourne. Strong Aussie girl living in Sunny California. Follow me on Linkedin

How Often Do Young Engineers Have Sex?

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