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2 Things That Make Engineers Unhappy at Work

Not all the time the problem is who and what we work with.

We have shared about the several reasons that make engineers miserable at their jobs which eventually led them to quit: terrible bosses, stress, and heavy workloads. These three are at the top when it comes to finding blame, but what if you really want to quit but you cannot figure out what’s the real reason?

Perhaps it’s because of you.

Not all the time the problem is who and what we work with. In some cases, it is about how we perceive or react with our work that is the source of all our headaches, making it difficult for us to become engineers that we have dreamed to be.

What exactly are we talking about? Here are the 2 reasons:

Taking things personally

When the engineering job becomes too demanding, like when our boss asks us to do a tasks which have been revised for more than three times already, that is part of the job and we should never take it personally.

Our bosses have deadlines to meet, goals to achieve, and we are part of that. It only takes an effective time management and delegation to be able to do our jobs – that doesn’t include whining and holding personal grudges. Instead, we should focus on how to keep ourselves better while setting aside our personal feeling at work. Let’s just do our work like professionals.

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Expecting things to happen overnight

It is indeed frustrating when we have brilliant ideas shared to our superiors and they get unnoticed. We always end up being disappointed about it, especially that we want to contribute.

But the truth of the matter is, we do not think that there are constraints – like budget and human resources – which is why our proposals are not yet on the drawing board. That is a big problem, especially for engineers, that we have to live with but it’s not a good enough reason to be unhappy about. Some things take time, we just need to be patient about it.

Source: The Muse

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2 Things That Make Engineers Unhappy at Work

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