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25 Time Management Hacks That Every Engineer Should Follow

You don’t have to burn your midnight candles if you just know how to manage your time.

Perhaps it has become a norm for engineers and engineering students to juggle all tasks together in meeting deadlines and preparing for exams. By trial and error, it can all be figured out; almost always it entails working late nights with the work and projects rushed.  If only they know what true time management is, this will not be the case.

Etienne Garbugli, a product design and marketing consultant based in Montreal, outlined time management hacks that engineers and engineering students can make use of:

  • There is always time. It’s all about priorities.

  • Plan only 4-5 hours of real work per day. The days always fill up with other stuff.
  • Work more when you’re in the zone. Relax when you’re not.
  • Respect your time and make it respected.
  • Multi-tasking is a bad idea because it only kills your focus.
  • Make a work routine that you can commit to. Your body will adapt.
  • Think that you only have limited time since that gives us more focus and productivity.
  • Start with short tasks.

  • Work iteratively. Expectations to do things perfectly are stifling.
  • More work hours don’t mean more productivity. Use constraints as opportunities.
  • Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive.

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  • Organize meetings as early as possible.
  • Group meetings and communication to create blocks of uninterrupted work.
  • Run tasks throughout the day that are in the same context. Switching between projects and clients is often unproductive.
  • Work around procrastination. You can procrastinate between intense sprints of work.
  • When things are unreasonable, break them down into reasonable pieces to achieve the goal.
  • Prioritize. Always! There are no two tasks with the same importance.

  • Always know that one thing that needs to be done for the day.
  • Break tasks into hour increments.
  • Delegate if possible. Make use of other people.
  • What’s done is done yesterday. Stop thinking about it and focus on today and tomorrow.
  • Set deadlines for everything. Tasks with no definite deadline will always take longer.
  • Always take notes.
  • Writing down anything that distracts you will stop them from popping up once you are in the zone.
  • Take a break sometimes.

Source: Business Insider

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25 Time Management Hacks That Every Engineer Should Follow

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