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5 Absurd Engineering Jobs of the Future

As our world continuously evolves technologically and socially, the needs of the people evolve as well

Engineering Jobs


Concern about a “ jobless future” for engineers has never been greater.

Seemingly every day, an academic, researcher or technology leader suggests that in a world of automation and artificial intelligence (AI), workers will increasingly be a surplus to what businesses need – or as Stanford University’s Jerry Kaplan says in his best-selling book, it won’t be long before “humans need not apply.”

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The concerns are understandable. AI – long academic theory and Hollywood plotline – is becoming “real” at an astonishing pace and finding its way into more and more aspects of work, rest and play. AI is now being used to read X-rays and MRIs.

It’s at the heart of stock trading. Chat with Siri or Alexa, and you’re using AI. Soon, AI will be found in every job, profession and industry around the world.

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When machines do everything, lots of people wonder what will we do? What work will be left for people? How will we make a living when machines are cheaper, faster and smarter than we are – machines that don’t take breaks or vacations, don’t get sick and don’t care about chatting with their colleagues about last night’s game?

For many people, the future of work looks like a bleak place, full of temporary jobs (a “gig” economy), minimum wage labor and a ruling technocracy safely hidden away in their gated communities and their circular living machines.

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Here are some absurd engineering jobs that will likely be present in the year 2030.


As our world continuously evolves technologically and socially, the needs of the people evolve as well. This means that people will be creating new job titles and career opportunities.

Will you even consider applying?

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1. Nostalgist Engineer


These are interior designers who are responsible for helping people design spaces that reflect their favorite decades.

2. Telesurgeon Engineer


Telesurgery or remote surgery is done by trained surgeons to operate on patients by using robotic arms.

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3. Rewilder Engineer


Their job is to undo the damage that people have caused to the environment.

4. Garbage Design Engineer


These designers will be responsible for perfecting the skill of upcycling. Upcycling is creating new items out of trash.

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5. Simplicity Engineer Expert


Simplicity experts will be responsible for simplifying operations. For example, they will be compressing 3 days of work to half an hour.

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Engr. Tam Van Loan
Technical Recruiting Manager at Vietnam Airlines. I am a mechanical engineering graduate from University of Engineering and Technology, VNU. Likes travelling, blogging and building mechanical lego stuff, Yikes! Follow me on

5 Absurd Engineering Jobs of the Future

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