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6 Skills That Engineers Should Invest on Learning

They might be soft skills, but they pay off forever.

In college, engineering students are trained to be technically proficient so they can do their respective jobs later on and build a career on them. Rarely do engineering schools train the students on soft skills, or those which do not require formal technical training, as such can only be learned through work experience and exposure to organizations.

This is why on their first jobs, engineers should have a mindset that it is not only the technical or engineering stuff that needs to be focused on. The soft skills are just as important, even if they are difficult to learn.

Here are seven of those skills which might be quite challenging to learn but definitely worthy as they pay off forever:

Knowing when to shut up

To make suggestions and give comments is one thing, to talk mindlessly or without consideration is another. While it feels good to say what you want to say, engineers should also learn that not all receiving ends appreciate honest talks. Be mindful about the consequences of your words because it could create conflicts in your workplace.

Being emotionally intelligent

We could never emphasize more how important emotional intelligence is for engineers. Perhaps equally important as the intelligence quotient, EQ affects how you manage behavior, navigate social complexities and make personal decisions in and out of your job. The core of this skill is being able to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.

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Managing time

It is important for engineers to be productive, deliver results, and beat deadlines. And the best way to do that is if you are able to manage your time effectively. Which tasks are the least and most important? Being able to prioritize is also a skill.

Saying no

An engineer who is a yes man or a woman can have its consequences. For one, studies show that the more difficult you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression. This is considered a skill since it is often difficult to say no, especially to a higherup.

Getting high-quality sleep

Even in college, engineering students do not get enough sleep. Bad news is that it carries over in the workplace, making it indeed a skill for engineers.

Enough rest is required for engineers to perform peak performance at work. This is backed by science.

Staying positive

Engineering is difficult work. Tough times bring out the worst in you, so it pays to keep that mindset of staying positive and motivated.

Source: Forbes

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6 Skills That Engineers Should Invest on Learning

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