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7 Mistakes Engineering Leaders Do When Leading A Team

And here’s how to correct them.

(Source: Pinterest)

7 Mistakes Engineering Leaders Do When Leading A Team


If you are currently leading a team of genius employees or a bunch of technical wiz guys, you must acquire an exceptional skills to lead the pack.

These are common mistakes engineering leaders do and how to avoid them.

You do not follow the rules you want your colleagues to follow.

Engineering leaders common mistakes (Source: Pinterest)

If you don’t want your colleagues to lose respect for you and if you want them to follow the company rules, you should be the first one in the team to follow rules. If you end up breaking them, your team will only do the same things. You are the leader and the team just follows what a leader does.

You say you’ll do something, but you end up not doing it at all.


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Learn to keep your word so that your teammates will learn to trust you as a leader. Don’t disappoint them with words you know you couldn’t keep. Talk the talk. Walk the walk.

You do not admit you’re wrong.


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Don’t believe that saying about being weak whenever you admit you are wrong. If you find yourself in situations where you really are at fault, don’t be afraid to admit it. Not only will that help correct a mistake, but it also helps improve your relationship with the rest of the team.

You cannot keep promises.

Engineering leaders common mistakes (Source: Giphy)

Never make promises that you know you cannot keep. A habit a lot of leaders make, doing this will only end up with you disappointing everyone in your team. So be careful with the promises you tell to them.

You think you’re the most important person in your team.


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Don’t steal the spotlight on anyone. Remember, your job is to lead and guide everyone in your team. You’re not supposed to be the most important person in your team.

You cannot handle criticism.

Engineering leaders common mistakes (Source: Giphy)

As a leader of your team, you are obliged to give constructive criticisms to each of its members. However, you have to be reminded that you are growing as a leader as well. Keep yourself open to criticisms and don’t take any of them as insults. Learn how to handle criticisms like a good leader.

You only believe yours is the right way.


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In order for you to help improve every member of your team, you should know that the right way isn’t limited to only one approach. More importantly, the right way doesn’t exactly mean your way. So brainstorm different approaches to the challenges your team faces, then choose which is the best solution that could work for everyone in the team

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7 Mistakes Engineering Leaders Do When Leading A Team

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