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Biggest Online Security Threats to Your Business: What to Be Aware Of

Whether you run an online business or not, if your business utilizes technology by way of computers or other devices, your business is indeed at risk for online security threats

Risks will always be involved when starting a business, regardless of the industry. These risks range from petty theft and property damage to not generating enough revenue to keep your business open. And despite those risks being very prevalent with both online and brick-and-mortar businesses, one of the biggest threats to any business is the component of online security.

The threat of online security can completely ruin a business if it’s not caught in enough time. According to Security Magazine, not only do small businesses neglect to take into account the security and protection of their business online, but they’re also the biggest target among cybercriminals, attacking more than 60% of small businesses with a small number of employees.

For many businesses, cyber-attacks come in the form of breaches, exposing the sensitive data of clients and customers. In the medical field, these breaches can also come in the form of HIPPA violations. While almost all businesses use and need technology for more streamlined processes, this is largely why people aren’t so quick to rely solely on technology.

Whether you run an online business or not, if your business utilizes technology by way of computers or other devices, your business is indeed at risk for online security threats. To lower your risk, you need to be aware of what you’re up against. Take a look at the biggest online threats your business can potentially face.

Malware Attacks on Mobile Devices

As technology has advanced and we demand to operate wherever we are, it’s no wonder many business owners enjoy the luxury of being able to run their businesses on the go from mobile devices. Unfortunately, just because you’re running your operations from a mobile device doesn’t mean hackers can’t attack you. Whether from your smartphone or laptop, you’re still at risk.

The malware software is specifically designed for mobile devices, and the more data and sensitive information you store on your mobile devices, the more hackers will try to steal it.

Deepfakes for Businesses

A deepfake is a form of AI that hackers use to manipulate an image, voice, video, or photo to falsify information or a particular action. This type of threat is commonly seen in politics, especially around election time, to damage a candidate’s reputation and sway voters’ opinions. For example, a cybercriminal may create a deepfake against a candidate to make them say something offensive towards their largest demographic of supporters.

However, this form of falsification is also used in businesses as well. Deepfakes have been used to gain access to a company’s information. An example of this would be a cybercriminal impersonating the CEO of a company and instructing an employee to send sensitive information to a specific email address to steal that information. It’s amazing the lengths people will go to just to bring harm to others.

Cloud “Jacking”

As a way to reduce paper and prevent data loss, several businesses have adopted uploading all their company data to the cloud as a way to retain and keep that information safe. Unfortunately, despite their efforts to keep that information safe, cybercriminals have also found out how to get into a company’s cloud.

Once access is gained into a company’s cloud, the hacker can manipulate company communications to give out fake documents and instructions to make employees think it came from upper management. Even worse, depending on which department a hacker gains access to, they can give instructions to transfer funds directly into fake accounts.

The Takeaway

As a business owner, you may not be able to monitor everything all the time, but by taking certain precautions, such as installing the best and most secure VPN and top-of-the-line anti-virus and anti-malware software, you’re protecting your business.

You also want to have a local IT company in your contacts as well for support services. For example, if you live in Kansas City, you should be able to turn to a local Kansas City IT support company to assist you with all your cybersecurity needs.

You may not be able to avoid hackers completely, but by having the right safety measures in place and being aware of the types of threats your business can potentially be up against, you’ll be able to prevent certain hacking schemes or at least stop them before too much damage is done.

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Biggest Online Security Threats to Your Business: What to Be Aware Of

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