Can Air Conditioners Spread Omicron Variant?
As the temperature starts dropping and people spend more time at home, many may consider using the air conditioning more often. Some may worry if COVID-19 can spread more quickly in an air-conditioned environment.
According to experts, it is feasible but improbable. If an infected person in the home coughs and sneezes without being cautious, small virus particles in respiratory droplets may be disseminated in the air. These droplets are dispersed by anything that moves air currents through the room, such as an air conditioning system, an AC unit mounted in a window, a forced heating system, or even a fan.
However, the extra danger is minimal and may be avoided by strictly adhering to the standard criteria for preventing virus propagation. The most critical thing is that those who have the virus should use extreme caution while coughing or sneezing. Infected individuals should seek refuge in an out-of-the-way area of the home, away from others. Residents should treat others as though they are infected, keeping a safe distance and routinely washing their hands.
If you are a homeowner with a forced air heating and cooling system, one thing you can do is ensuring that the air filter in your unit is updated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Certain filters are specifically intended to exclude particles like respiratory droplets. Additionally, opening a window may assist in bringing in fresh air from the outside and dispersing stale air inside, which ultimately help lessen the risk of virus particles spreading throughout the home.
Currently, one of the most effective strategies to guard against COVID-19 Omicron Variant is to be vaccinated, along with all eligible household members. Vaccination has been shown to significantly minimize the risk of developing and spreading COVID-19 Omicron Variant.
This link from the World Health Organization is a live update about Omicron Variant