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Can You Design And Create A Lightsaber?

Although we are probably far from creating a lightsaber that is as badass as the Star Wars' infamous weapon, this LaserSaber is already as awesome!

Although we are probably far from creating a lightsaber that is as badass as the Star Wars’ infamous weapon, it is still fun to play pretend with this almost real sabers by Wicked Lasers. Recreating the lightsaber into their very own gear LaserSabers, Wicked Lasers are able to attract fans and even just the curious into their latest product.

Source: Giphy

Source: Giphy

Source: Giphy

Source: Wicked Lasers

Minus the ability to kill and cut objects into half, the LaserSabers could light up really bright even during the day. Because of its magnetic gravity system, the attaching blade could also be dimmed and diffused depending on what the owner likes.

Source: Giphy

For a hundred dollar, enthusiasts could purchase the ‘laser diffuser blade’ and for an additional $300, the Spyder 3 laser model. They also have different model of lasers such as Arctic (equipped with 3,5W Krypton (a green handheld laser with direct diode technology that the company claims could reach the outer space) and Nano (a smaller and compact unit but could cross a football unit).

Source: Giphy

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Loudette Fabian
Contributor, Asia and the Pacific. Loudette is a metallurgical engineering student at the University of the Philippines.

Can You Design And Create A Lightsaber?

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