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Construction of Russia’s Longest Superbridge

Russia’s longest Superbridge, Kerch Bridge, has now been approved for construction

Kerch Bridge: Longest Superbridge in Russia (Source: Behance)

The construction and project documentation for the bridge across Kerch Straight, between mainland Russia and the Crimean Peninsula, has finally been approved—officially. The construction of the Kerch Bridge’s estimated cost is 211.851.575,730 rubles. This amount is almost around 680 million rubles less than the marginal cost of the works which is established by decree of the Russian Government.

Kerch Bridge: Longest Superbridge in Russia (Source: Fuerzas Armadas)

More than 30 experts who belong to the state expertise department, Glavgosexpertiza, were there to check the documentation. Also some experts worked to verify the accuracy of these estimates. Auditors were also present, and gave positive feedbacks.

Kerch Bridge: Longest Superbridge in Russia (Source: Fuerzas Armadas)

The large group of specialists who were involved in the works to verify papers and calculations had to chedk more than 570 volumes of documents that had been prepared for the project. This takes around 30 gigabytes of electronic files. These paper and electronic files contain information about the area of construction, engineering survey results, basic design and technical solutions for environmental protection.

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Construction of Russia’s Longest Superbridge

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