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CEO Tim Cook Shows in an E-mail to Employees How Apple Responds During Disasters

The email was sent after hurricane Harvey devastated many lives of Apple employees.

Despite the many differences with Steve Jobs, Apple CEO Tim Cook proved that he is able to manage the company and maintain its status in the tech industry. And now, we discovered that the guy is also keen in crisis management, after hurricane Harvey hit the United States recently.

Displaying his distinct character as a leader, Cook sent an e-mail to all Apple employees as a response to the ongoing crisis in America. The e-mail, which is only a few minutes read, speaks volumes about how he is as a CEO of such an organization like Apple in times of devastation.

Here is what we learned about his leadership in that e-mail:

Acknowledge the obvious and get everyone on the same page.

No matter how obvious the situation is, recognize it and show empathy. It pays to clarify first what is happening so that all recipients of the message will understand and be educated about the background and impact of the actions required.

“As you know, Hurricane Harvey is having a devastating impact on Texas and Louisiana. Our thoughts are with our employees in the storm zone and the millions of people whose lives have been disrupted by rain, wind and floods. I want to update you on some of the things Apple has been doing to help, and ways that you can get involved,” Cook wrote.

Photo via ABC News

Clarify efforts and let employees know how they can help.

As part of the company’s corporate social responsibility, Cook had to remind all employees at Apple what can be done to help those in need even in their own little ways. It is important that they are aware about the collective action plan of the company is so that they have an idea about the impact of the organization in the society.

Cook said in the e-mail, “On the ground, Apple’s global crisis management team is working to support our employees directly affected by the flooding in Texas. The team is in close contact with Apple employees in the Houston area, and they’re actively doing everything they can to assist, including moving some employees and their families to safety. Apple employees in the Houston area have generously been helping people displaced by the flooding by opening their homes to team members and their families, and in some cases, assisting in rescue operations…

“At our Austin campuses, we are kicking off a donation drive in partnership with the Central Texas Food Bank and Caff Macs to collect food, diapers and personal hygiene items — all things that are critical in the aftermath of a storm of this magnitude,” he added.

Let people know what they can communicate.

A key at times of crisis is communication. And for a tech company, this means any way possible – even through the services Apple provides. Cook pointed out what is already being done to keep the employees informed.

“As Harvey was making landfall, we put in motion critical donation programs. Apple is making it easy for customers to donate directly to the American Red Cross through the App Store, iTunes and, and we’re matching employee donations two-for-one. Thanks to your generosity and that of our users, Apple has helped raise more than $1 million in just the past few days. That’s in addition to the $2 million Apple pledged to the Red Cross over the weekend,” Cook said.

Set the tone and take a stand for the organization moving forward.

As Cook ends his e-mail, he left a clear message: that the company always cares about its employees and that they are not being forgotten in times of crisis. This gives those working for Apple an assurance – especially that the e-mail came from the Cook himself.

“Because Texas is home to more than 8,700 of our coworkers, the storm’s impact is felt by all of us. There’s still much to do, and Apple is committed to help,” the CEO wrote.

Source: INC Asean

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CEO Tim Cook Shows in an E-mail to Employees How Apple Responds During Disasters

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