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Top 4 Auto Maintenance Tips for New Drivers

It’s of utmost importance to keep your car in top condition, in order to prevent accidents

Driving is a huge responsibility, but new drivers tend to think more about the newfound freedom and joy they get once they finally get behind the wheel. Plus, owning their own car is a special part of the whole driving journey, because it gives one absolute control over their driving habits.

Being able to use your own vehicle and drive wherever and whenever without worrying about returning the car can be truly liberating. However, it’s of the utmost importance to keep your car in top condition to prevent accidents and other mishaps. Having the best car insurance protection available when accidents happen is crucial. Therefore, here are some auto maintenance tips for all new drivers out there.

1. Don’t forget to read the owner’s manual

Reading the manual might sound boring, but in reality, there’s no better way to learn about your new car and its features. You don’t need to know it by heart, but skimming it and remembering the most important details will surely provide you with enough information to help you drive smoothly without worries. In order to be safe, be sure to keep the manual in your glove compartment so you’ll be able to read it at all times. 

2. Always change oil

This one is a basic auto maintenance rule so it’s important to take it seriously. Back in the day, changing oil was recommended every three months or 3000 miles passed, but thanks to the advancements in the car industry, this rule shouldn’t be taken as gospel. However, changing oil is still considered crucial, so be sure to change it least after every 5000 miles. Some engines will allow for longer intervals. Still, it’s necessary to remember that changing oil should depend on your car brand and how you use it, so if you’re unsure, check your owner’s manual or contact the nearest car shop in your area. 

3. Transmission matters a great deal

Transmission issues have become well-known mainly due to movies that always displayed car issues as transmission issues. Every time a car breaks in the movie and the smoke starts coming out, chances are it’s a transmission problem. But, whenever this happens, it’s mostly because the engine runs out of the liquid that helps it run smoothly. Therefore, before you start cruising, check whether the transmission fluids level is in order. Additionally, it’s essential to find the correct transmission fluid for your car to prevent your car from breaking down in the future. 

4. Keep your car clean and in a neat shape

Your car needs to be fixed so you won’t encounter any unpleasant moments, especially in the middle of nowhere; however, if you’re a new driver, you should keep your car clean and neatly looking. Adopting this habit will keep you focused on things that matter: driving and the road ahead of you. Maintaining components should always be your top priority, but keep in mind that you should pay attention to the exterior of your car as well. So, get yourself a quality glass cleaner and a towel, and clean it whenever you spot dirt or dust. If you have no time to do it, taking your vehicle to a professional car wash service will help you keep it clean and shiny. 

Final thoughts

Your vehicle is your trusted companion, which is why you should aim to take care of it, especially if you’re a new driver. That way, you’ll never forget to fix it in case something bad happens. Finally, remember that car maintenance involves a lot of responsibilities and that being careful and diligent will ensure that your car is secure and in good shape. 

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Top 4 Auto Maintenance Tips for New Drivers

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