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This 3D Printed Mansion Made in 45 Days is Really Cost Effective

It can even withstand an 8.0 earthquake!

(Source: Entrepreneur)

Have you seen a 3D printed mansion built in 45 days and can withstand an 8.0 earthquake?

In a world where houses are built in months or years, people would find ways to make it easier and faster. Everybody wants these homes to be made available in cheap prices and built fast. Now, 3D printing has made it to the residential construction scene.

HuaShang Tengda, an architecture firm based on Beijing, has just finished building its 3D printed indestructible mansion which was manufactured in less than two months. 45 days to be exact!

3D Printed Mansion (Source: HuaShang Tengda)

Imagine building a mansion made of 3D printed materials that can withstand an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0. While the people behind the project didn’t say how much the house costs exactly, they did mention that it’s low cost.

3D Printed Mansion (Source: HuaShang Tengda)

HuaShang Tengda wants the future of constructing establishments and houses to involve 3D printing. This includes 3D printing houses for the poor people and build skyscrapers as well. According to the company (featured no their website), “Because of its speed, low cost, simple and environmentally friendly raw materials, [it should] generally improve the quality of people’s lives.”

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This 3D Printed Mansion Made in 45 Days is Really Cost Effective

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