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A Science Project Lead to the Discovery an Entire Ancient Mayan City

It all started as a science project, little did William Gadoury know that he was about to discover one of the greatest puzzle pieces in our world’s history.

It all started as a science project (Source: Giphy)

It all started as a science project, little did 15-year old William Gadoury know that he was about to discover one of the greatest puzzle pieces in our world’s history. William Gadoury was able to discover an entire ancient Mayan City—by looking at the stars!

It all started as a science project (Source: SMH)

William got interested in Mayan cities in 2012, and it grew. William told the French Newspaper Le Journal de Montreal: “I did not understand why the Maya built their cities away from rivers, on marginal lands, and in the mountains. They must have had another reason and, as they worshipped the stars, the idea came to me to verify my hypothesis. I was really surprised and excited when I realised that the most brilliant stars of the constellations matched the largest Mayan cities.”

It all started as a science project (Source: Daily Mail)

William comparing locations of 117 existing Mayan Cities with a map of the stars.

In a specific three-star constellation, William noticed that two of the starts corresponded to known cities but the third star didn’t have a known counterpart city. This is when he began to investigate if the third star had a match.

He began to study satellite images which he requested from the Canadian Space Agency. He then found what seemed to be human-built structures overgrown by foliage in the Yucatan jungle in south-eastern Mexico.

It all started as a science project (Source: Letu)

Scientists were surprised when they found evidence of a previous undiscovered large, 86m high pyramid and thirty buildings exactly where William predicted them to be.

Some experts predict that this new discovery isn’t just a city, but could be one of the five largest. William’s discovery is being published in a scientific journal and he will be presenting his discovery at Brazil’s International Science Fair Next Year.

Mexican archaeologists promised William that he could join their expedition to the area to verify his discovery. According to William: It would be the culmination of three years of work and the dream of a lifetime.

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A Science Project Lead to the Discovery an Entire Ancient Mayan City

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