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Strategies to Help Engineering Students Complete Their Homework

These strategies will pave the way for engineering students to develop outstanding homework habits, breaking down into a two-pronged approach

Engineering Students Homework


If you’re lucky, you’ve got an attitude that naturally and effortlessly takes to the task of completing homework. However, most engineering students struggle to some extent at doing their homework on a consistent basis. As an engineering student, it’s critical that we enhance our skills and develop an effective and healthy work habits when it comes to homework.

It’s not as simple as insisting our minds to work hard – there are a number of techniques and tricks that can help us view homework in a different light.

The following strategies will pave the way for engineering students to develop outstanding homework habits, breaking down into a two-pronged approach.

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Developing a Routine

The first step is to develop good homework habits is setting up a routine to which engineering students can become accustomed. Just like with exercise and other ‘unpleasant’ repetitive tasks, the hardest part is getting used to doing it on a regular basis. Once the routine is established, doing homework will become just another part of the schedule.

There are a handful of ways you can do in developing homework routine.

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Establish a Place to Do Homework

A big part of creating a routine is embedding that routine within a physical location. Designate a place for you to do their homework each day. This can be the kitchen table, a desk in their room, or any other location you deem most suitable.

It’s important to pick the place where you will be best equipped to succeed. For example, a desk in your bedroom might be better if communal areas are too busy and noisy for you to concentrate. Conversely, all the gadgets and video games within your reach might prove too distracting, meaning a communal area might be best.

Once you’ve picked a spot, make sure that this area has all the supplies (pencils, pens, paper, etc.) that you will need to do homework. Study aids like the top service to do my assignment in Australia are also helpful.

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Pick a Time for Homework

The other component of establishing a routine is tying it to a specific time. Select a time each day during which you will work on homework. Again, knowing your situation is key in picking the right time. Some engineering students need a little break after school before jumping back into working on schoolwork.

As a general rule, the earlier in the afternoon or evening, the better. As it gets later, engineering students tend to become more tired, slowing down progress.

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Creating Incentives

The other part of establishing good homework habits is creating incentives to make you eager to complete the tasks. The most basic incentive for doing homework is the good grades you will get. For some engineering students, this is enough incentive. For students not so strongly motivated by grades, other incentives might be necessary.

For example, you can reward yourself with an enjoyable activity after homework is completed. This can be access to a video game console or computer, watching a favorite show, or any other activity you enjoy. Desserts or sweets are another popular option.

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You can even construct more complicated reward systems, allotting a certain number of points for each day of finished homework or assignment completed. These points can be redeemed for a variety of rewards, from small things like previously mentioned or bigger rewards like attending a sporting event.

Try to tailor any incentive setup to the activities or rewards most valuable to you. By linking homework with enjoyment, you strengthen the desire to complete the work.

By using the two-part system of establishing a routine and creating incentives for completing the work, you can create a system that makes doing homework easy and natural for you. Rather than something to dread or avoid, doing homework will simply be part of the daily routine.

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Engr. Tam Van Loan
Technical Recruiting Manager at Vietnam Airlines. I am a mechanical engineering graduate from University of Engineering and Technology, VNU. Likes travelling, blogging and building mechanical lego stuff, Yikes! Follow me on

Strategies to Help Engineering Students Complete Their Homework

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