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Engineering Students Tips on Writing a Research Paper

Handy tips for engineering students

Here’s a handy tip for engineering students about writing an effective research paper.


Research paper tips for students who are taking civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics, chemical and industrial.

Whenever mentioned, most engineering students freak out. If you’re reading this, most likely, you’ve been tasked with your first. But, you’re not sure where to begin. Some old folks will always try to convince you that writing a research paper is a hell of a task. Well, the truth is, a research paper is just an easy task, and that’s if you know what you’re doing.

First thing first, a research paper is meant to test your knowledge about a given topic. Research papers are different from the other papers in that they contain general info that has gone through thorough research. A research paper can also include arguments based on a thesis. Without saying much, here are some tips that can help you write your best research paper.

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1. Be organized

As many professors will tell you, a research paper should be handled like a baby, with much care. Therefore, before setting to work on it, it’s advisable to be organized. Most lecturers give the engineering students even a month to submit the paper. The funny thing is that you may find yourself in a busy schedule to the point of working on the paper a few days to deadline.

Don’t be the last minute guy. It’s advisable to organize your schedule to allow enough time for you to work on the paper. Also, you should ensure that you have all the tools you need for the job. For example, you may require books, a network connection, a computer, and a notepad. Such equipment may seem unnecessary, but when available, they make your research easy and fast.

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2. Choose your topic wisely

Most papers provide engineering students with a wide array of issues from which they can choose one to tackle. When it comes to picking what to work on, it’s advisable to choose wisely. First thing first, it’s advisable to go with a problem that you’re interested in pursuing. The interest can act as motivation during the process because you won’t be bored. However, you should make sure that the topic you choose has available sources to cite your work. Remember, research papers are all about theories and arguments that should be mentioned.

Besides, you shouldn’t pick a topic that is general. Going for a question that has been handled by many engineering students can make the professor judge your work as copy paste even before reading through. Therefore, it’s advisable to go with a topic that stands out from the others. The trick makes your work interesting to read.

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3. Research thoroughly

Once you decide on the subject to work on, it’s time to research. As stated earlier, research here should be thorough and satisfactory. Thanks to the power of tech, today, you can find plenty of books, articles, and journals online to help with your paper. You can use as many sources as you can to support your work.

Also, you can head to the school library to borrow books that cover your topics. The funny thing is that most people don’t know how to access helpful books within a library. Well, libraries are always crowded. Hence, locating a particular book can be a hell of a task. But, you can utilize the card catalogs to find the exact shelf where the books you want are located. The records make the book searching quick instead of strolling the whole library like a small kid.

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4. Come up with a skeleton

As its name implies, a skeleton gives a breakdown of how your paper should appear. That is, which subtopics should appear in between the paper. The short writing also allows you to brainstorm ideas that you wish to have in between the subtopics. It doesn’t necessarily mean coming up with sentences. You can jot down your findings on the notepad and in short form to save time.

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5. Come up with a draft

Once you’re satisfied with the ideas in place, the next step is usually to write your first draft. Writing a draft entails putting together the ideas you had to come up with sentences and paragraphs. While writing your first draft, you should focus on bringing ideas into life instead of your grammar. However, your first draft should be something that anyone can easily understand.

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6. Proofread your work

Proofreading your work is non-negotiable. It’s a research paper after all. Therefore, you must ensure that your grammar, as well as, punctuations are on point. It’s advisable to proofread your work a couple of times to point out the mistakes that couldn’t be seen on the first time. Currently, individuals can easily request for the papers online.

Well, most of these online sites provide quality work. Hence, they can work well with individuals with a busy schedule. Research paper writing service allows a requester to proofread the work before accepting. This kind of arrangement enables one to check for even the slightest errors and then request a revision.

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After you’re satisfied with your work, it’s advisable to ask for your friend to proofread the document on your behalf. Four eyes are better than two. Your friend can help you correct the sentence structures and grammar, for example, which may be difficult to notice by self.

Without proper practice, writing a research paper can be a difficult task. It’s the lack of exercise that sees most engineering students assume the difficulty even without trying. In this article, six tips provided can help you write a perfect research paper. Read through each one of them to understand how easy it’s to earn an A in your assignment.

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Emmanuel Stalling
Emmanuel Stalling is software engineer, technical writer, online philosopher, aspiring novelist, part-time ninja, and fan of hard science fiction. Based in Charlotte, NC, USA.

Engineering Students Tips on Writing a Research Paper

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