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How Elon Musk Deals With Stress

Here’s how to handle stress like a boss. Literally.

Elon Musk, he’s the man!

To whom much is given, much is required. And when you are the CEO of big technology companies, the stress level must be so high.

That’s the life story of Elon Musk in a capsule. He is the big boss of Tesla Motors, a company dedicated towards fully-electric vehicles; SpaceX, which is working to send humans to other planets; and Hyperloop, a firm that seeks to move passengers at airline speeds at a fraction of the cost of air travel.

As head of these companies, Musk carries so much weight in his shoulders in developing technologies that will shape the future of transportation. Notice that all of the mentioned companies are working on pioneering fields in engineering, which makes it much more difficult for Musk and his teams to achieve goals.

Elon Musk, he’s the man!

However, if one looks at Musk’s Instagram, it’s fairly easy to conclude that the highly-revered businessman and engineer lives an amazing life. He has photos of rockets and cars with the occasional posts about his luxuries.

Eric Diepeveen, the CEO of Netherlands-based gaming company Stolen Couch Games, noticed this and got curious if the ups and downs Musk had make for a more enjoyable life. He tweeted about it, tagged Musk, and got a reply.

“The reality is great highs, terrible lows and unrelenting stress. Don’t think people want to hear about the last two,” said Musk.

Elon Musk, he’s the man!

Many more pitched in to the Twitter conversation, some of which the 46-year-old answered politely.

Read more  Hyperloop To Become A Reality

A particular Fahad Uddin asked if the CEO was bipolar, which was confirmed by Musk himself. However, Musk immediately retracted his reply by saying, “Maybe not medically tho. Dunno. Bad feelings correlate to bad events, so maybe real problem is getting carried away in what I sign up for.”

Elon Musk, he’s the man!

Robert Gaal, which according to his Twitter bio is the managing director of Amsterdam-based tech hub TQ, was also lucky to get a reply. Gaal wanted to hear about the lows and the stress Musk had experienced and how he dealt with them.

“I’m sure there are better answers than what I do, which is just take the pain and make sure you really care about what you’re doing,” Musk tweeted.

Source: Twitter

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Patricia Eldridge
Patricia took her MBA in London, UK. She's a model, actress, blogger and a copywriter. Her boyfriend is an overworked and underpaid engineer.

How Elon Musk Deals With Stress

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