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Engineering Student Guide: How to Find your Study Spot

Having a hard time to study? Maybe it’s not you. It’s your environment.

Recall the last time you have studied for a test. How was it like? Were you a hundred per cent committed to studying or were you disturbed by a lot of external factors? Here’s your engineering student guide.

Quite a lot of engineering students have a hard time finding their study spot. More often than not, it’s not about having the focus, but having your environment to work for you while you study. A huge majority of future engineers still do not know which kind of study environment fits to them.

To figure it all out, here’s a guide that you need to know to define your perfect study spot.

Know Your Noise

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Tumblr)

You should be able to know upon yourself which one suits your study time better: with some music in the background, with earphones on, or in total silence? Some prefer to study in coffee shops where noise can range from the blender making machine sounds to the group of friends chitchatting in the next table. Choose which noise that exactly fits for you not to be distracted while studying.

Do You Like People?

Engineering Student Guide (Source: The Hoya Blog)

Most engineering students isolate themselves in their rooms to study or spend time studying in the library with people passing by. If you want to flirt or check with people around you during study breaks, so be it. Although I highly discourage that and you focus yourself in studying; pick which environment will have you to help with your studying.  Crowded study places are usually a hindrance.

Lighting is Important

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Giphy)

When the lighting of your study area is too dark, you are just punishing yourself. It is also true when it is too bright. Find the right lighting for you to be alert and productive. Well-lit areas are ideal places to study, especially when the lighting is above or behind you and directed to your study material – and not to your face. That setup will destroy your vision and will easily make your eyes tired.

A Clean Space is a Productive Space

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Tumblr)

The tendency of having a messy area when you study is that you will get distracted with what you find on the table. Say, when you have Rubik’s cube sitting beside your study lamp, the odds are you are just going to fiddle with it and ignore your notes. Another thing is that a messy study area promotes disorganized thinking which will directly affect your mind as you study. So better clean up the desk before you start pulling an all-nighter.

Harder is Better

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Tumblr)

A big no for a study spot is your bed. It is too soft and comfy that your body will have to give in to the calling of your bed instead of studying. Find a hard surface as it keeps you focused and awake. Stay away from pillows and sofas. Do not study where you are most likely to feel sleepy.

Comfort is Key

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Campus Riot)

An engineering student cannot study in a room with the Antarctica cold or with the Sahara dessert heat. Extreme room temperatures become sources of discomfort which will impede your concentration while studying. Turn the AC or heater according to your liking.

Minimize Distractions

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Fanpop)

Your ultimate goal is to study. You can do that by minimizing distractions such as your smartphone and the Internet connection. They are your greatest enemies when you study, so better cut them off for a while when you need to pass the test. The trick is to have your device kept by a friend or family member until you are finished studying, or have the Internet connection off until necessary.

Switch it Up

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Giphy)

When you think that you can no longer turn things up with your present study spot, search for a new one. Stop getting stuck with that spot because it doesn’t work anymore. It’s time to move on. A new study space could motivate you to get the studying be done, as it will put you into a new position that may give you focus you’ve never had before.

No matter how long you will study for an exam – an hour long or an all-nighter – when you don’t have the perfect study spot, it could mean that you haven’t fully absorbed what you have studied. In turn, you could fail that exam.

Engineering Student Guide (Source: Tumblr)

Do you realize now how important it is to find your study spot? I hope so

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Engineering Student Guide: How to Find your Study Spot

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