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These Engineers Want to Solve Memory Loss with a Brain Prosthetic

Brain Prosthetic: The Future of Memory Enhancement

Memory loss is a known problem for most people, especially the elderly. That’s why a new startup called Kernel is starting to develop a brain prosthetic that copies the way neurons fire. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are a few of the diseases of brain dysfunctions that the startup plans to combat.

Brain Prosthetic (Image Source: University of California)

Bryan Johnson, founder of Kernel, hopes to create brain implants that target the memory area of the brain, improving both short and long term memories over time. The startup is based on the research findings of Theodore Berger, director of the Center for Neural Engineering at the University of Carolina, where he showed how electrical signals work during memory retention and learning. He is now part of the Kernel team as their Chief Science Officer.

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These Engineers Want to Solve Memory Loss with a Brain Prosthetic

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