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Fake Chemistry Professor Pranked Freshmen Students On Their First Day of Class

Patrick Adelman wanted to have a little fun when he decided to be a fake professor for a chemistry class. Could you do something like this?

We all know how freshmen students can be gullible especially on their first day of classes. Many older students like to take advantage of that – either just for fun or for wanting to know what their upperclassmen felt when they did the prank on them. Freshmen students are always eager in class and always careful of their actions.

Patrick Adelman wanted to have a little fun when he decided to be a fake professor for a chemistry class. At the University of Rochester, he dressed up like a professor and told the students from a Chemistry 131 class that he was “Professor Hafensteiner”. Of course, the students fell for his trick. They didn’t know this guy was from The Chamber Boys, the university’s radio comedy group.

Source: Chamber Boys via YouTube

Adelman scared the students when he warned them how difficult the subject was. He said, “This class is extremely hard. Last year, 55% of this class failed.” That’s when the students paid full attention to their “professor”. After scaring them with stats, Adelman warned them about the repercussions on their grades if he ever catches them with their laptops and cell phones. The students immediately switched off their phones and closed their laptops. No playing games, no Facebook, no texting. 

Source: Chamber Boys via Daily Mail

Source: Chamber Boys via YouTube

It didn’t take too long until the real Professor Hafensteiner to walk into the room. Wondering who the person impersonating him is, he asked, “Who the hell are you?” This led the whole class to laugh at what was going on.

As soon as Edelman walked out of the class, the real professor found the event to be funny. He said,   “Well, he managed to get the hairline right!”

Source: Chamber Boys via YouTube

Article Sources:

Chamber Boys via YouTube

Daily Mail



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Fake Chemistry Professor Pranked Freshmen Students On Their First Day of Class

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