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Traffic? Get Ready For A Flying Car

Don’t you wish you could just fly so that you could get to places instantly?

Flying Car

Is the traffic really terrible these days? Don’t you wish you could just fly so that you could get to places instantly? Well, it may become a reality soon when this flying car comes flying towards you.

It’s the TF-X hybrid electric flying car and it lets you cruise at 200 mph for up to 500 miles. With wings that have electric motors on each side, this car is definitely better than any flying carpet you see in the movies. The motors are powered by a 300 horsepower engine to make it easier for the driver to take off, land and fly!

Source: Wiki

Source: Terrafugia

If you’re worried about driving on air, don’t worry. The car is semi-autonomous so chances of you panicking up above will lessen if you trust the car to fly you around. All you need is to input the destination then the car does the steering. If the place is safe to land on, the car will land there. If not, it’ll land somewhere else.

Terrafugia has finally received the FAA approval however, the prototype is still in development. But as soon as it is available, testing can be done on the model. The company says that the vehicle will not be driven just like an aircraft and it will be easier to navigate. Just think of driving a normal car.

Source: TerrafugiaInc

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Traffic? Get Ready For A Flying Car

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