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Here’s Why You Didn’t Get That Engineering Job

Take time to consider these mistakes before going to your next interview

(Source: Giphy)

Looking for a new career? Been hunting for that elusive engineering job for months? 

That elusive engineering job (Source: Pinterest)


So you’re currently on the job hunt and you’ve landed some interviews with top engineering companies, unfortunately you haven’t been offered any jobs yet. You’re wondering what you might have done wrong, or how you could’ve done better as a young engineer.

Here are some mistakes you might have done that no one will tell you about.

That elusive engineering job (Source: Giphy)

You mistook friendliness as friendship

That elusive engineering job (Source: Giphy)

Interviewers are trained to have a friendly yet professional tone during an interview, so they can make you comfortable. By doing so, you are made to believe that your interviewer truly understands you and that you are on the “same engineering team”. When you enter this zone, you may confide too much personal information than needed, like saying something negative about your previous company and boss, or opening up personal problems, or anything that can negatively affect your candidacy.

Always remember that while it is important to have a connection with your interviewer, this is their method to get as much information about you as possible. It is to “test” you on how professional you are in such circumstances.

You mistook “I can do that.” with “I’m the best one to do that.”

That elusive engineering job (Source: Giphy)

Don’t assert yourself in a particular job listing saying something similar to “I’m uniquely qualified to succeed at this engineering job.” When you do this, it’s as if you are assuming the role of the hiring manager by claiming the position. So many job hunters do this, and it becomes a cliché.

It’s good to “sell yourself” by justifying your engineering skills, talents and accomplishments, not by saying statements as I mentioned.

You mistook what their question was really about

That elusive engineering job (Source: Giphy)

Even before your interview, your interviewers have most likely already browsed through your resume. But during your conversation, your interviewer asks you a question that you’re sure you’ve stated the answer already on your resume. So you tell your interviewer, “I’ve already answered that on my resume.” That’s a big no-no.

Most likely, the interviewer already has read this in your resume, but is only asking the question to test your communication skills when you are talking about something that you should have in-depth knowledge of. They also ask this to see, if you really did understand what was on your resume, or if you really did “do” the things you stated in your resume.

These are only some of the mistakes made by job-hunters, so maybe it’s time for some self-reflection on how you can improve

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Here’s Why You Didn’t Get That Engineering Job

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