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You Know You’re an Engineer If… (Engineer Memes that you’ll love)

Here is a compilation of some of the most liked You Know You’re An Engineer memes created by GineersNow.

Love engineer memes? 

How do you know you’re an engineer? Engineers are basically like any other average normal college student—not! Engineers are unique, have a different outlook towards life, and they stick together because basically, no one else will ever understand what they’re going through except other engineers.

GineersNow created a series of You Know You’re An Engineer memes that show us different traits and personalities that only engineers possess, which were posted on our Facebook page. Here is a compilation of some of the most liked You Know You’re An Engineer memes. If you have anything to add, you can do so by messaging us on our Facebook page.

Here they are:

Engineers enjoy describing everyday item using technical terms.

Engineers know the greek alphabet by heart! If I’m not mistaken, the most popular Greek letter used in engineering is the Ω letter which symbolizes Ohm—the unit for Resistance.

Engineers love assembling things! Regardless whether they make it work or break it, they won’t need the manual.

Love life is second priority in an engineer’s daily life. Especially as a student, you won’t have time for that, honestly. Unless your partner FULLY understands your situation—congratulations! He or she is a keeper! Lucky you.

Getting an engineering course may be difficult, but it will surely give you one of the best moments in your life.

If a certain gadget or machine gets the interest of an engineer, he or she MUST know how it works. He or she won’t be able to sleep unless he/she is satisfied.

Engineers enjoy repairing things and the satisfaction that comes with it when he/she gets it to work.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

You Know You’re an Engineer If… (Engineer Memes that you’ll love)

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