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Things Filipino Engineering Students Can Relate To

Normally, it takes a student five years to finally get the diploma but for others, it takes them six, seven, eight, nine or ten.

I have always been proud of my Filipino roots. We have to admit that the world is tougher for Filipinos but we always put a smile on our faces despite the challenges we face ahead. There’s so much to do yet the traffic in Metro Manila can delay our activities. As for those living in the provinces, sometimes, it sucks that we can’t have what we want because they’re not available in our beloved hometown.

As for engineering school, it’s either you’re smart enough to survive engineering or not. Normally, it takes a student five years to finally get the diploma, but for others, it takes them six, seven, eight, nine, or ten. Hey, it happens. But if there’s one thing I noticed about every Filipino engineering student, it’s how they make their college experience worth remembering. Filipinos just know how to have fun in engineering school even if life can be hell as an engineering student.

This may also apply to any Filipino student. If you’re a Filipino, you can learn a new language like Tagalog to understand this article.

When in doubt, GMG. 

When stuck in traffic, text your classmate to inform you if your professor arrived in class already.

Source: Business Mirror

When feeling lazy, ask your classmates to inform professors you’re “sick”.

When receiving the allowance, “tara inom”.

When falling in love with someone, add her on Facebook and leave a message: “Hi crush!”

When having a crush on an engineering professor, you attend all of his classes.

Source: Unwritten

When broke, “guys, pautang”

When heartbroken, “tara, inom”

When hungry but broke, “I would love to have some panic canton and a five-peso coffee for dinner please” 

Source: Tumblr

When scared of failing, you ask for divine intervention

Source: Cross walk

When failing, you start making a speech for your parents.

When crying, “T*angina, ayoko na!”

When talking to professor, “Sir, curve please.”

When calculator is lost, you panic! Calculator is life! 

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When enrolling, “Pila na naman!”

Source: Star Cinema

When working on thesis, “Thesisit!”

When graduating, compose a long Facebook speech and show off graduation pic!

When taking the board exam, take a flat lay picture of study materials

When passing the board exam, compose another long Facebook speech and end it with “Engineer na ako!”

When failing the board exam, “Tara, inom!”

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Engr Eva Allanigue
Chemical Engineering graduate with a passion in writing weird stuff at GineersNow. Official globe-trotter with luxury luggage, bags & accessories. Follow me on Linkedin

Things Filipino Engineering Students Can Relate To

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