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How Millennial Engineers Are Making Working From Home More Productive

7 ways Engineers can make working from home more productive

Making Working From Home More Productive

According to recent studies, nearly half of the millennial generation want to work from home more than get paid more. In fact, working from home has probably become the new American dream, and 1 in 5 Americans currently work from home.

Of course, engineers are also excited to join them, as not all engineering jobs require field work and such. Now the main struggle is, how do you work from home, yet still remain productive?

Here’s 7 ways on how to make your work from home more productive:

1)      Have a good morning routine


Source: Working From Home – Pinterest

The best way to have a productive day is to start your day right. Drink some coffee and watch some YouTube videos before you work. Grab some yogurt and exercise. Do something that gets you moving and motivated for the day and stick to it.

2)      Find your most creative hours

Source: Working From Home – Trello Blog

One of the biggest mistakes we engineers (and everyone else) make is that we force ourselves to work during the times when our minds are the most unproductive. If, per se, your brain just shuts down every 3 pm, then adjust your schedule to wake up earlier and get more things done. Find your most productive hours, and work will seem way easier.

3)      Create a to-do list for tomorrow every day

Source: Working From Home – Techie Mum

While keeping a to-do list is good to keep you focused on what needs to be done for the day, consider making one for the next day as well. Take a few minutes after work to write down tasks that must be finished tomorrow. That way, as soon as you wake up, you know exactly what needs to be done.

4)      Have an office away from home once in a while

Not leaving the house for a week or 2 might drive us nuts; Engineers are still humans who need social interaction and fresh air. Go to a local café or restaurant somewhere and do your work there whenever you feel the need for something new. A new environment can help boost productivity and give us a chance to socialize.

5)      Race against the clock

Source: Working From Home – Giphy

It’s tempting to procrastinate, especially when you’re at home. One way to beat procrastination is by working against the clock. If you’re writing an article, for example, give yourself 15-30 minutes to write down as much as possible, no distractions. After that, take a break, look back at your work, then add and edit as you please.

6)      Take advantage of your schedule’s flexibility


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Working from home gives us advantages no other work environment could. Take advantage of it! Use your breaks to do laundry or clean the house. Spend your lunch meeting up with friends in cafes or grocery shopping. As long as you’re getting your work done on time, you can do whatever you please.

There are opportunities for you to make money online from home. Read the tips from Lifehacker guy for the details.

7)      Communicate with your boss

Source: Working From Home – Giphy

Communication is key in many areas, and even more so when working from home. Always tell your boss if you run into setbacks or you think you’ll miss a deadline. Communication will provide clarity and make sure that your boss knows what’s going on.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

How Millennial Engineers Are Making Working From Home More Productive

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