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When Music and Tesla Coil Collide

Texan group ArcAttack gives an awesome high-voltage performance with the help of Tesla Coil technology

Tesla Coil Music (Source: Make:)

The Austin, Texas-based group ArcAttack isn’t your typical band. They create music using electricity—how? Well, the guitar player’s dancing fingers control the music, but the notes of the music themselves come from bolts let loose by the twin towers on both sides of the stage. It’s Tesla Coil Electric Music!

Source: YouTube via secoh 2000

Source: TRBimg


According to Joe DiPrime, a founding member and usually the lightning guitarist of ArcAttack “I think that is the hardest thing to convey to people who don’t see it in person, the electrical arcs are vibrating the air and creating sound waves.”

Source: Hacked Gadgets

These twin towers are giant Tesla coils, named after the Serbian-American who invented them in 1891, Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla coil as part of his experiment to generate and transmit electricity wirelessly.

Source: Geek Dad

ArcAttack’s Tesla Coil-amplified performances give their audiences a futuristic feel that intrigues them.

In between their high-voltage performances, ArcAttack tours the country presenting shows and educational presentations for schools and the general public, by explaining to them the science behind their show.

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When Music and Tesla Coil Collide

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