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Look Good, Look Fit Naked

Hate what you see in the mirror? Do you feel like you’ll never be fit enough? Do you find yourself awkwardly asking someone if you look fit?

Hate what you see in the mirror? Do you feel like you’ll never be fit enough? Do you find yourself awkwardly asking someone if you look fit? Well, there’s a mirror that allows you to objectively check if you are (without being judged by someone else).

It’s the 3D body scanner called Naked and it can be your personal fitness tracker. The company behind this innovation is the California-based Naked Labs. This mirror also comes with a weighing scale and a smartphone app. Naked has sensors on the mirror’s side that uses infrared light to scan your body.

Source: Naked Labs via YouTube

How does it work? The mirror creates a 3D model of your body as you rotate on the scale. The 3D model of your body will then be shown in your mobile app and give your body measurements. The model can be rotated, and zoomed in and out to check your measurements and body fat percentage. So every time you workout, you’d be able to objectively see the changes that happen throughout your body after. This will certainly encourage all the lazy bums to workout since it’ll allow them to see changes within their bodies.

Ed Sclater, co-founder of the Naked Labs, said:

“This product is for literally anyone who wants the knowledge to take control of their health and wellness.”

Source: Naked Labs via YouTube

Though it’s not available yet, you can pre-order now for $499. But as soon as it becomes available in the market next year, it’ll cost you $999. So what are you waiting for? Order now and you may even get to ask, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fittest of them all?”

Article Source:

Live Science

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Look Good, Look Fit Naked

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