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Which Should I Get: BA or BS Degree?

Going to college is an exciting experience. As you set foot to this significant change in your life, many hurdles may take you time to deal with. One of the challenges as students enter college is determining which major to pursue. There are a lot of options to choose from but figuring out what will make a big difference in your life is arduous.

A bachelor’s degree comes in two sorts: a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science. Incoming college students should be familiar with the difference between these two. Students have to weigh in which of these would best suit their likings to make a firm decision on the college major to take.

To help you get a little bit of information on these degree types, here’s a BA vs. BS degree. Read through the details, and you might be able to discern what is the perfect choice for your future endeavors.

What is a Bachelor of Arts degree?

A bachelor of arts is an expansive kind of degree; it covers earning credits in various disciplines from the liberal arts. Although its curriculum is structured to have a broader scope in courses and even electives, a BA degree more often than not requires fewer units or credits to earn than a BS degree.

Specific majors in the BA degree include those in the Humanities, Communication, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Music, and the like. What is common with these courses is the focus on the theoretical approach to learning. Bachelor of Arts is usually the preferred choice of individuals who plan on continuing their education to master’s and even doctorate degrees.

Usually, the artistic, creative, and imaginative types of people are cut out for BA courses. Why? In a bachelor of arts, the courses focus on providing knowledge of concepts and ideas that are mostly speculative. Abstract thinkers usually prefer this venture as it takes a lot of passion to succeed at a particular major. And since BA degrees offer a competent venue for creative and philosophical thinking, people with a passion for the liberal arts and other related disciplines are more likely to succeed with a bachelor of arts degree.

The career path for fields under the Bachelor of Arts is more wide-ranging than that of a Bachelor of Science. Why? There are numerous courses and electives that students can take, making them more flexible regarding career opportunities.

What is a Bachelor of Science degree?

A bachelor of science focuses on technical and investigative learning styles in general. The BS curriculum typically requires more credits than a BA degree.

BS degrees are more concentrated on a specific major. For example, in BS Nursing, the course of study and required subject units are all directly associated with nursing itself. It is less common to spot elective courses that are not related to the field of study.

Another thing is that BS degrees usually involve scientific or investigative research requisites. In BS, not only theoretical but also practical skill enhancement are essential such as internships or on-the-job training like in Accountancy, Business, Architecture, Physical Therapy, and other majors in allied medical sciences and technology.

Realistic, analytical thinkers and scientifically driven individuals are more likely to survive in college when taking a BS degree.

Since BS majors are more focused on particular skill development and proficiency, most are with available licensure examinations once the specified credits are already earned. Usually, graduates of fields in BS are those professionals with titles such as Certified Public Accountant, Engineer, Architect, Nurse, and Doctor. With BS, you are already sure about the career choice you want to achieve in the future.

Choosing between BA and BS

In choosing the definite college course to take, there are many things to consider. You might want to reflect upon these matters.

First, you got to have a clear goal. What do you really want to be? What kind of career do you really want to have after college? Emphasis on the word “really” as ambitions and goals may change in time. You have to be adamant when it comes to setting your goals.

Second, consider your best interests and passion. College success rates have a direct relationship with choosing the course according to things you are passionate about. Why? In college, things are already different from high school. Everything is already in the advanced form, and most coursework is complex. With this, when you don’t have the heart and mind for the field you are taking, studying will burden you physically and mentally. You have to choose what you think will bring you enjoyment and a sense of satisfaction. For example, if you are passionate about literary pieces as well as metaphysics, maybe get a BA degree.

Third, perform a self-assessment. Your capabilities, as well as your personality, matter when it comes to choosing the course you want for college. Are you a good writer or an excellent debater? Think about getting a BA rather than a BS. If you are a skilled mathematician or a meticulous experimenter, consider taking a BS degree.

Lastly, check the degree programs of your university or college choice. It is best to review the curriculum of each BA or BS degree. A curriculum provides the subjects as well as the corresponding units of each. This document tells you what is to be enrolled in a semester and per term. In each university or college, there are differences in the curriculum that are to be taken into consideration. Plus, the total required credits to earn is a must to know because this is where you base the computation of your college dues.

Sometimes, some fields of study have both a BA and a BS. Say, for example, there is a BA in Psychology and a BS in Psychology. In BA in Psychology these are more focused on theories and concepts concerning the human mind. Usually, graduates of BA in Psychology work as human resource officers as they know about understanding human behavior relevant to a specific work. Meanwhile, a BS in psychology is more about the clinical approach to understanding human behavior. Graduates of this course may get a license and certification to be professional psychologists. Others have the option to continue with the Doctor of Medicine and may specialize in Psychiatry.

The main key point in choosing between BA and BS is to get as much information you could from your school choices so that you can evaluate which is within your goals, interests, passion, personality, and capabilities.

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Which Should I Get: BA or BS Degree?

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