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Goodbye Wearables, Say Hello to Implantables

Say goodbye to wearables, as experts say that phones may be implanted by 2023

Implantables: Microchips, devices and gadgets implanted in your body

There is no stopping the wild minds in technology. Everyday, gadgets advance and reach a new level of innovation. From the announcement of iPhone back in 2007 and Android in 2008, from wearables to implantables, we certainly have come a long way.

This is what 800 experts and executives in the World Economic Forum congregation in Davos have proven to us after being surveyed on the overarching trends that will shape the technology of the future. This is what they have predicted.

From wearables to implantables (Source:

As people become more and more connected to devices, sometime in the future, say 2023 as predicted, we will have built-in smartphones. Yup, that will be inside of our skin,  as if that’s not the definition of ‘built-in.’ Devices will no longer be worn, but instead they are implanted into bodies, serving communications, location, behavior monitoring and health functions. Smart tattoos and other chips that may be entangled to our bodies will help in identification and location.

There are other remarkable predictions in the list as well but our technology still have a long way to go before we get to those levels. Just wish that manufacturers and engineers will make these foresights a reality.

Implantable medical technology
Implantable medical technology
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Goodbye Wearables, Say Hello to Implantables

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