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The Biggest Software Development Trends of 2021

In this list, we examine some of the most popular software development trends for 2021 and beyond. Read on for details

The Biggest Software Development Trends of 2021

The world of software development (and the technology that makes games possible) is ever-changing and will continue to advance in the years to come. Social needs are often the impetus behind many technological advancements. They also drive the need to update protocols, particularly in response to cybersecurity threats.

A good example of this is how blockchain is developing in a climate that requires a secure method of executing contracts. There are also many conversations taking place around ethical ways to scale advancements in artificial intelligence.

Many businesses are turning to third-party tech companies to keep on top of this new era of digital acceleration. They rely on the knowledge of experts to help them find novel ways to drive their in-house operations so their customers benefit along with their bottom line.

While this is undoubtedly a complex topic, and some predictions will suffer in hindsight, we can make a few educated guesses about emerging trends in the software development industry for 2021 and beyond.

Trends for 2021

Focus on pivotable clouds

We’ve recently witnessed some of the cruciality of cloud services that can be tailored to a user’s needs. Some businesses experienced skyrocketing sales in 2020, such as grocery stores and medical supply companies, whereas others, including airlines and other travel-related industries, shrank dramatically. Companies that did business via the cloud were less likely to have to pay for data services which helped substantially while trying to stay afloat. We predict this is where many companies will pivot in the coming years to adapt to unpredictable circumstances.

Increase in Blockchain usage

If you’re unfamiliar with blockchain, it is a system that records information, so it’s extremely difficult, or even impossible, to hack or cheat the system. It is a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the network of computer systems on the blockchain. With an emphasis on cybersecurity, certain of its capabilities will expand in 2021 to include smart contracts that will be used increasingly by security-minded companies and enterprises.

Advancement in Artificial Intelligence technology

Artificial Intelligence technologies are predicted to experience significant growth in 2021 and beyond. Companies that develop their artificial intelligence capabilities are more likely to be successful. One area drawing attention is natural language processing (NLP), which allows computers to write text and software programs without human input, dramatically increasing efficiency for companies.

The conversation surrounding ethical artificial intelligence is also predicted to become even more relevant as technologies advance. This is because the more intelligent computers become, the more important it is to ensure that they don’t begin to behave in ways that human beings cannot control. It may sound like science fiction, but scientists have a consensus that artificial intelligence could pose an existential threat to humanity if not properly regulated.

Increase in low-code and no-code software development

Software engineers are in high demand. Companies are struggling to find developers because of the mismatch in the ratio between the number of coders on the job market and the number of companies that need these services. Because of this, many companies are turning to low-code/no-code (LCNC) computer programs as a viable solution to this problem.

These programs enable companies to hire employees to use this type of software without the education and training requirements to work with traditional software development. It allows employees to perform a wide range of functions and makes operations nimbler. Interest in these programs is expected to increase in 2021 and continue in the coming years.

Increase in native app development

With mobile devices becoming increasingly popular each year that passes, even replacing desktop computers for many applications, mobile apps have become an area of increased focus for software developers in recent years. Many developers who work for larger companies are now using native app development to create agile apps with advanced performance capabilities.

Native app development means simultaneously creating multiple versions of an app that can be used across any mobile device operating system (OS), including iOS and Android. We predict dramatic growth in this area in 2021 and beyond.

Growth for the Internet of Things (IoT)

This is an area of increased interest to countless industries. The Internet of Things is the term used for all the many physical objects and devices, such as smartphones, cameras, and even refrigerators with online capabilities that work through the internet. It’s impossible to say just how many devices make up the IoT, affecting our personal lives and every industry, from education and healthcare to shipping and manufacturing.

The growing IoT will create a number of new jobs, including positions in software engineering, security analysis and other industries that contribute to writing software and keeping digital information from being exploited by hackers.

Increased focus on user experience

There’s more to good software than just simple functionality—developers also have to consider how usable a product or website will be for customers throughout their user journey. What may be intuitive and easy to understand for a software developer may be nonsensical for the average customer. User experience (UX) has become a popular conversation topic in large and small business circles. It plays a key role in marketing services and products, and it’s set to garner increased attention in 2021.


These are just a few examples of some of the software development trends we expect—and hope—to see in 2021 and beyond. Our predictions are based on current trends in the field so if you run your own business or team, we’d advise that you keep an eye on these areas because technology is likely to throw up a few surprises too!

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The Biggest Software Development Trends of 2021

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