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When You’re A Young Engineer Who’s Afraid of Your Boss

Sometimes, it takes luck for us to get the perfect boss.

Sometimes, it takes luck for us to get the perfect boss. We all want someone whom we can work well with and be the mentor we need as we start our careers in engineering. Of course, nobody wants the type of boss who terrorizes us just by his mere presence. As soon as he walks into the room, we don’t want to feel intimidated by him. If there’s anything we want from the bosses we work with, we want them to inspire us to aim higher and achieve more at work.

Unfortunately, there are young engineers out there who often find themselves afraid to work with their bosses. Not that these authoritative figures are horrible, most young engineers are just afraid to learn from them because of the fear of being scolded and humiliated in front of their colleagues. They’re afraid that one mistake will cause their bosses to blow up and point out all their flaws as an engineer.


While said things may happen to some, you have to bear in mind that not all authoritative figures handle their team the same way. They don’t punish them right on the spot. They don’t humiliate them. Not everyone degrades the quality of work of an engineer.

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To the young engineers who are afraid to grab opportunities working next to their bosses, give it a try. You have to learn the ins and outs of the field and the best way to learn them is through your bosses. You may get scolded every now and then, but you have to remember that they are only looking out for the company you’re in. You’ll learn how they think and how they manage stressful situations once you get the opportunity to work next to them. They may be intimidating at first but you may be surprised how both of you could get along well at work.


To the young engineers who are afraid of their bosses, it’s okay. They are at the top of their game so it’s fine if you are scared of them. But this doesn’t mean you can’t learn from them. This doesn’t mean they can’t inspire you to be at the top of your game also. If there’s anything your bosses should teach you, you can climb the ladder of success just like them. You can be a better engineer by observing them, by learning from them and working with them – even if it means getting scolded by them from time to time.

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Patricia Eldridge
Patricia took her MBA in London, UK. She's a model, actress, blogger and a copywriter. Her boyfriend is an overworked and underpaid engineer.

When You’re A Young Engineer Who’s Afraid of Your Boss

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