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He Created Edible Utensils to Stop Plastic Wastes

You can now eat your spoon and fork after using them!

Edible Utensils

Whenever we go on camping trips, picnics, or parties, the usual eating utensils we use are made of plastic. After using these, what do you do with them? Chances are you throw them away, where they become a part of the world’s pollution. This won’t be a problem anymore, thanks to a new product from Bakeys. Bakeys, an India-based start-up, has created what they call “Edible Cutlery” wherein you can eat your utensils after using them to eat your meals! Edible Cutlery are plant based eating utensils that are totally safe to eat. Yup, edible utensils are here.

Edible Utensils (Source: Amazon)

According to Narayana Peesapaty, Bakeys’ Founder, “Change is inevitable. Before this change can overtake and overwhelm us, we should be the instruments of change”. He created this business to disprove the conventionally known fact that environmental safeguarding and social responsibility rarely integrate with sound business process”. He says, “for Bakeys Foods, environmental and social amelioration is the business”. As said in their website.

Edible Utensils (Source: Banana Burp)

The edible utensils include wheat, rice, and water as the key ingredients. Bakeys doesn’t add preservatives or dyes to their edible utensils. They also have flavored versions of the utensils, for the sweet flavored ones they add sugar and a mixture of rock salt, black pepper, and cumin. A spice called ajwain is added for the savory flavored utensils. They also have special order flavors like Hot n’ spicy, onion and tomato, garlic, and ginger.

Edible Utensils (Source: The Better India)

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He Created Edible Utensils to Stop Plastic Wastes

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