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I’m Not Sure if an Engineering College Life is Really Meant for Me

It’s hard (an understatement) to go on with your engineering life if you don’t know your ground.

t’s hard (an understatement) to go on with your engineering life if you don’t know your ground (Source: The Bachelorette Austratlia)

Are you doubtful about your engineering college life? Did you made a good decision?

It’s not new for engineering students, or worse, engineers, to feel being left out by their course. Many times along the way, there will be moments of doubt whether they will go on or just stop. Certain factors that put them into that position may be the difficulty of the course, the struggles inside that world, the existential crisis as a young adult, or all of the mentioned. It’s a matter that is usually decided with habitual passiveness, which in the long run, will hurt because the decision was not founded so much on a real assessment.

Doubtful About My Engineering College Life (Source: Tumblr)

If you are one of those confused being in the field of engineering, let me ask you these: why are you in engineering anyway? Why do you want to become an engineer? What made you pursue this career path? What’s your ultimate goal as an engineer? What makes you stand up in the morning and get to that engineering classes or work as an engineer?

Doubtful About My Engineering College Life (Source: Tumblr)

The answers to such questions are only available upon one’s own pondering. They are not the kind of answers that can be figured out overnight or in one coffee sitting. They are more of a day to day reflection for quite some time. Do not rush to it.

Doubtful About My Engineering College Life (Source: Tumblr)

It’s hard (an understatement) to go on with your engineering life if you don’t know your ground or why you are doing it. You may stumble upon the realization that engineering is not for everyone, or for you. But you may also build up on the thought that you can be whoever you want to be just when you believe. If you want it, commit to it.

Doubtful About My Engineering College Life (Source: Tumblr)

When you already gathered the answers and already sure about them, it’s a guarantee you will no longer feel lost. Hopefully it favors of you staying. If so, it will be about conquering what’s ahead and beating the odds because you already have the power of belief. The push to go on and be an engineer is established by personal clarity and purpose. You will be reignited by the idea of why you started, and it will serve as the answer to settle your issues that affect your engineer work. Repeat the answers to your head until they become a natural habit, already engaged in your life as an engineer.

But if after you asked yourself those questions and couldn’t force out positive feedback, and many episodes in your life come again questioning your status in engineering, I’ve got bad news for you: you will not last long; make the exit as soon as you can.

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I’m Not Sure if an Engineering College Life is Really Meant for Me

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