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KFC Makes Candles Scented With Fried Chicken

“This is straight up lit!”

You’d expect scented candles to enhance a room’s mood through their sweet aroma. They are made mainly for home decoration and aromatherapy. But never would anyone think that scented candles could be a good mechanism to make someone hungry for fried chicken – except KFC.

The food giant’s branch in New Zealand has thought of making scented candles embedded with the savory smell of the famous Kentucky fried chicken. Unfortunately, it’s not for everyone.

KFC New Zealand has launched a social media competition which invites patrons to like, share, and retweet their posts to enter in the draw.

“What better way to light up your nights than with a limited edition KFC Scented Candle! Keen? To go in the draw to win one just suggest another piece of KFC merchandise you’d like to see from us in the comments below! Winners drawn Monday!” mused KFC over social media.

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

The post garnered an overwhelming response with more than 15,000 comments. Because who doesn’t want a KFC-scented candle?!

One user wittingly commented, “This is straight up lit!”

Don’t get your hopes up as winners have already been chosen in December 5 after doing the campaign on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Moreover, KFC spokeswoman Lori Eberenz said, “there are no plans to offer the candle in the U.S. at this time.” What a bummer.

This is not the only time that KFC had piqued the friend chicken obsession of the public. In August, three thousand tubes of fried chicken-scented sunscreen were released by KFC, and they were sold out in just two hours.

Colonel must be grinning wherever he is right now.

Source: Fortune
Source: Fortune

Source: North Jersey

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KFC Makes Candles Scented With Fried Chicken

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