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Top 5 Futuristic Construction Technology

Leaders in the industry are pioneering futuristic construction innovations that could help make the world's environmental goals a reality.

Construction technology made today are all aiming to promote sustainability. Leaders in the industry are scanning every problem that is detrimental to the environment and are pioneering futuristic innovations could help make environmental goals a reality. Turning back from conventional practices, this field has embraced the reality that it should be more responsive and pro-active to fight the threats posed by climate change.

Let us take a look at the top construction technology that will shape the world into a more livable home.

1. Vertical Forests 

In cities, where carbon dioxide emission is tantamount, buildings are immensely built in areas once occupied by trees. Because of this, pollution becomes more prevalent and harder to conquer. However, construction leaders thought of a way on how to combat this not just in a very efficient but also in an aesthetically-pleasing manner. Buildings are now being adorned with trees and shrubs, which made them look like ‘vertical forests,’ a design that is highly productive in fighting air pollution. More companies and business owners are taking their part in protecting the environment today and it is probable that this construction technology will be a worldwide trend.

2. Robotic Swarm Construction

Termites are one of the construction enemies. They attack the parts of a house by swarming. This detrimental characteristic of termites became the inspiration of the latest construction technology developed by Harvard researchers. The robots they made are programmed to act like swarms – sensing each other while working together on a certain design. This can improve efficiency in construction and reduce accidents encountered by workers.

3. Self-healing concrete

Infrastructure made with concrete is still susceptible to harsh environmental conditions and damages. Repairing and maintaining this shreds a big part of corporate and government funds. Billions have been spent to keep establishments in good condition, often resorting to costly renovations. But today, a kind of concrete that has the ability to heal its own self has been developed by researchers. In this construction technology, when water filled a concrete crack, it will activate the bacteria that excretes calcite which will repair the gap. If widely used, this innovation will change the expensive landscape of construction into a sustainable one.

4. Smart Roads

Roads are meant to bring people to their destination but researchers saw a futuristic opportunity during the journey. They took the advantage of the infrastructure’s massiveness, knowing that it could be a path towards a greener future. Through sensors and IoT technology, it can generate electricity to power electric cars and street light through the energy produced by vehicle movement. It can also provide information about weather conditions and traffic real-time. This construction technology can reduce energy consumption, contributing to the reduction of pollution caused by fuel and coal-powered plants.

5. Bamboo cities

People could easily give in with the thought that bricks and steel made better homes but it is proven that interlocking modular bamboo structures can save more lives during an earthquake under its roof. This construction technology aims to respond to the increasing population as the structure can be extended without having to spend much. As the structure expands, its resiliency increases. Also, this design has a larger life-span than the usual bamboo structures which could help to build stronger and sustainable communities.

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Russel Cyra

Journalist. Engineering enthusiast. Filipina.

Top 5 Futuristic Construction Technology

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