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Google Maps Lets You Hail Uber Rides Without Switching Apps

It seems like you no longer have to switch apps just to get yourself an Uber ride.

It seems like you no longer have to switch apps just to get yourself an Uber ride. Google just made it easier for everyone by letting people hail an Uber using Google Maps. In its latest version of Google Maps, the company allows anyone to simple get an Uber ride without ever going to the Uber app anymore. All you have to do is sign in using your Uber account and Google Maps will get all the information from there.

In its post on Google’s official blog, the company announced:

We’re also trying out a new integration that lets you book, complete and pay for an Uber ride without ever leaving Google Maps—even if you don’t have the Uber app installed on your device. Once you sign into your existing Uber account (or create one), you can book an Uber ride, track your driver on the map, and connect with your driver—all from within the Google Maps app. 

Source: Google Maps

In previous versions of the Google Map app, users can only check for price estimates. Now, the latest version makes it so much easier for everyone to use. You will see a traditional on-screen map and lets you check if there are nearby drivers around you.

While this is good news for avid Uber users, there are still no news about Lyft rides getting the same deal with Google Maps. The latest version is available on iOS and Android. Do you think you’ll be using this more or do you prefer to stick with the Uber app itself?

Source: Google Maps

Article Sources:


The Verge

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Google Maps Lets You Hail Uber Rides Without Switching Apps

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