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Tips to Buy a Forklift

You have to decide whether you are going for a used forklift or a new one. If you think you are going to use the forklift for more than four hours a day, then it might be better to choose a new forklift

Tips to Buy a Forklift


If you are in the market looking for a forklift for the first time or you are returning after a long time, it might seem like an uphill task because you aren’t sure about where to start looking. This process can be complex. This is why it is a good idea to be organized when looking for the best forklifts to buy. This way, you can make sure you are going to get a good ROI on your investment. This guide is going to help you make the right choice. You will know what you can expect, tips that will help you succeed, and also what pitfall to look out for.

What to Expect Before Buying a Forklift

A forklift is a big investment that can come with a huge ROI. Choosing the wrong one can end up becoming a huge cost. Choosing the right forklift is important because it is going to help you save money, decrease overall downtime, and increase productivity. What can you expect when buying a forklift.

You first need to know your requirements. When you start looking for a forklift in the market, you will see many different options. The most important thing at this point is knowing what you need. You need to take some time and closely audit your operation. This list is going to help you get started. If you are not sure about what you need, you should talk to your local Toyota dealer who is going to help you by doing a site survey.

  • Where is the forklift going to be primarily used?
  • How high do you need to lift?
  • How wide are the doors and aisles?
  • What kind of tires will you need?
  • How many hours will the forklift be in use a day?
  • Are the operators properly trained? This is one of the requirements by OSHA
  • Are there any accessories or options you will need?
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You have to decide whether you are going for a used forklift or a new one. If you think you are going to use the forklift for more than four hours a day, then it might be better to choose a new forklift. Make sure you factor in maintenance costs.

You also have to think about the requirements of your operation and your people. Does your operator have a bad back? Look at brands that have products with the best ergonomics. Safety is also important, make sure you choose a brand that has standard safety features.

You have to closely look at the dealers and brands. When it comes to capital investment, make sure you choose a dedicated partner who will always be there throughout instead of someone who is just looking to sell you the forklift and leaving the rest to you. The lesser-known brands can sometimes offer a cheaper up-front price, but how easy is it going to be for you to get replacement parts when it breaks down? Why are they cheaper and not well-known? Make a visit to the dealership and find out the skill level of their technicians. Go through references. The dealer you choose is going to be your partner for years to come. Years later, you will be happy you took your time to do the homework.

Finding a Trustworthy Brand

What are you looking for? (a good partner will help you figure this out)

What kind of power do you need? (tire options and fuel type)

The forklift operator (you might not be the one using the forklift, but the comfort of those using it matters because it can affect productivity)

What you can afford and maximize your return on investment.

5 Common Mistakes When Looking for the Best Forklift

There is a lot of information out there about what you need to keep in mind when searching for the best forklift to help with your operations. Many times, people don’t know what they need to look out for when choosing a forklift. It is important to know some common mistakes people tend to make when buying forklifts for the first time. Knowing them will help you because you will identify and avoid these common mistakes.

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Using price alone: don’t make the mistake of choosing the cheapest forklift that meets your requirements. Before buying a forklift, there are many things you have to consider. Price is only one of the factors to consider.

Not trying before buying: once you have chosen a given brand and model of the forklift you want, it might be a good idea to rent it then see how it works. Make sure your operator gives it a try because he/she will be the one using it.

Not buying from a dependable dealer: it is important to choose a reputable dealer who is going to perform general and emergency maintenance any time you need those services. If this is not done, you have to deal with considerable downtime any time the forklift breaks down.

Not considering the total cost of ownership: if you spend more upfront, it might prove to be a good investment later, especially if your operations become productive and more efficient over time.

Failing to consider a maintenance plan: having a maintenance plan is good because it allows you to notice any problem early to reduce downtime. Your operators are also going to be safe because of the regular inspections. You can increase the lifespan of the forklifts by having a maintenance plan.


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Tips to Buy a Forklift

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