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Here’s How Giant Oil Rigs Are Removed

Have you ever wondered what happens to gigantic oil rigs once their purpose is served?

Have you ever wondered what happens to gigantic oil rigs once their purpose is served? It actually depends on where their location is. There are some rigs, like those ones in the Gulf Coast, are sunk so they can provide a new home for marine life. Others, like those that are in the North Sea, are removed in a difficult, and impressively-precise method. One of the most recent oil rig removals was the removal of the “Yme MOPUSTOR” short for Mobile Offshore Production Unit by Allseas, a Dutch company; and Pioneering Spirit, the biggest ship in the world.

Source: Upstream Online

Here is a video of the extensive process:


Source: YouTube, Upstream Online

The process may sound simple—all they have to do is slide in, snap of the legs, then cruise away—but because of the massive weight and the constant movement of the sea, it can get complicated. The whole project was successful without a problem as the decommissioned rig was brought to dry land. Being able to execute extensive and accurate processes such as these is really one of the amazing feats of engineering.

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Here’s How Giant Oil Rigs Are Removed

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