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How Technology Improves Engineering Student’s Performance?

Technologies have given rise to such a concept as blended learning

How Technology Improves Engineering Student’s Performance?


In the era of modern world development, the ability to learn has become the most popular task of modern man, which can be solved through innovative technologies.

The positive impact of such technologies on student performance is achieved both through the introduction of various information technologies in the learning process and through the independent use of various gadgets, computer technologies, and so on. Does the use of technology improve student performance? Experts from Pro-Papers have clarified it.

At the present stage, the main task of any higher educational institution is to train specialists who are capable of reacting nonstandardly, flexiblely, and timely to the changes taking place in the world.

In the modern conditions of society’s development, the system of education in higher education institutions is being transformed. The latest technologies are being introduced into the learning process, and new methods and innovative approaches to teaching students are being applied.

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Such changes in the educational process have enormous advantages: free access to literature with full texts, the ability of a student to independently distribute their time, to participate in research and projects, grants, etc actively. Improvement of student performance through the introduction of technology in the educational process is also one of the main advantages.

The process of introducing new information technologies into education is unthinkable without computer telecommunications. The use of these tools in the educational process increases the motivation to learn and develops students’ thinking. It also allows for a much lower workload and, in a shorter period of time, a higher level of information assimilation.

When viewing online resources, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with various ways of presenting and visualizing thoughts, ideas, and ways of thinking of people of different ages and social affiliations. In this regard, the use of Internet technologies in the educational and extracurricular activities of the university is of great interest.


Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer new opportunities for students and teachers. In addition to improving academic performance and interest in learning, literacy, and general erudition, various types of thinking are activated through telecommunication, and the development of creative and intellectual potential takes place. Observations show that work in computer networks actualizes the need for students to be members of a social society.

The widespread introduction of information technology as an instrument of human knowledge means the emergence of new forms of mental, mnemonic, creative activity, which can be considered as a significant development of psychological and pedagogical processes.

Thanks to technology, teachers can keep statistics on student performance, analyze data, and understand which teaching methods are better suited. On the other hand, students themselves can maintain a detailed database, and in the process of learning, not only summary data but also current information are available to them.

This makes it possible to build an individual learning strategy and understand which methods are more effective. But most importantly, thanks to such technologies, the focus is not on final assessments but on intermediate results because they are important for creating an effective learning strategy.

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Electronic databases of libraries, the ability to create colorful multimedia presentations, all kinds of online editors, round-the-clock online access to any source of information – all this is not a complete list of the benefits that new technologists give students in education. All this significantly improves thinking, knowledge, outlook, sense of duty, and, as a result, academic performance.

Today, everyone can find a lot of necessary information for free in the network. Students can easily download manuals, lectures, video tutorials, and articles. This facilitates the search for information and promotes self-education.

The emergence of online courses and webinars is reflected in the standard learning process. Technologies have given rise to blended learning, which is a mix of full-time and distance education.

Firstly, it provides an opportunity to plan time and effort effectively, secondly, it does not limit knowledge acquisition only by face-to-face communication and develops the ability to educate itself.

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Moreover, not so long ago, experts-psychologists refuted the hypothesis that using phones or tablets interferes with student performance. According to medical scientists, technology in the hands of students, on the contrary, can become assistants in the educational process.

The authors of the study reached this conclusion based on a survey of more than 3,000 students. The experiment revealed that about 70% of students use gadgets in the classroom for educational purposes. The same number of students use smartphones for social networking, listening to music, etc.

The guys also use the device to find educational information.

In conclusion, we can safely say that the computer and the Internet have opened endless possibilities for learning. Now it is easy to find and read your favorite work, get acquainted with great people’s lives, and watch an interesting video on any subject. You can even learn foreign languages ​​by communicating with your peers.

Computer technology is always able to come to the aid of those who want to learn and develop, thus improving your performance.

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How Technology Improves Engineering Student’s Performance?

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