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Quick Pointers for Parents Starting to Choose their Kid’s School Abroad

In this article, we will discuss tips for finding the perfect school for your child regardless of your location

As important as it is, education is sometimes forgotten or even removed from the equation when expats relocate. However, around 60% of relocations involve education and children—finding a good nursery should be a top determiner of whether a location is good or not.

In this article, we will discuss tips and advice for finding the perfect educational institution for your child, regardless of location.

Early Years program

Nowadays, it is common knowledge that education choices made in the early years have the same weight as those made at the primary and secondary levels, which is why the PYP Campaign is becoming an increasingly popular option for expats. The foundations of confidence, independence, and the drive for education are learned in these years. It would be best to research the nursery options in your area as soon as you arrive.

Consider the following as you search:

Visit the school and meet the head teacher rather than relying on reviews or brochures. Find a school within walking distance as the fresh air and pleasant morning routine can increase your child’s focus for the rest of the day.

Assess the outdoor provision of the school to discover how many hours a day they provide children to develop their vital gross motor skills. Evaluate the school’s bilingual or multi-lingual support system and where the national language and your family’s native language differ.

School hunting

As you prepare for your kid’s further study at the university level or even their future employment. It would be best if you considered the academic demands, extracurricular potential, and the school’s values, which ensures the child is in a place where they’re allowed to flourish and start in life, which opens doors of opportunity. This is even more relevant when moving abroad, as finding educational continuity is crucial, as this article from the New York Times can attest.

Consider the following as you search.

Take note of the academic curricula followed by the school. Is it a national or international curriculum? How does it compare to the curricula your child already studied beforehand (if applicable)?

You must also consider enough extra-curricular activities to boost your child’s skills and passions. This includes music, sports, art, drama, dance, writing, etc.

Ensuring that bilingual support is available if your child isn’t used to speaking the local language or dialect is vital to his or her well-being and quick adaptation to the new environment.

Plan for the whole family

Expats usually bring their whole family with them, or sometimes most. If this is the case for you, then all of your decisions must be for the majority because they will affect everyone. Make it a point to consult your whole family. With schools, if you have both a son and daughter, consider choosing a co-educational school, which could be the best option for both.

Moving from one place to another can take a toll on the family, especially your kids who might be in school. This is why international schools are important, as they offer curriculums that are identical to another international school as long as the same program is followed. PYP Campaign, for instance, is targeted towards Graders 1 to 5 (age 5 to 12) and is exclusively adaptable to state and national standards. The curriculum cultivates and develops students to actively participate in their learning journey.

Whether you are new to or established in your current country, wherever that country might be, don’t forget to do ample research on the location and schools available in the area—and never forget to consider your family’s interests. Best of luck!

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Quick Pointers for Parents Starting to Choose their Kid’s School Abroad

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