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A Single-Wheeled Electric Hoverboard

Experience a great ride on one-wheel personal electric vehicle.

A company has been able to build a single-wheel vehicle that gives the feeling of an electric hoverboard, with a board placed on top of a wheel 10 inches in size. The user has to lean forward for acceleration and backwards for de-acceleration or for changing the direction.

One-Wheeled Electric Hoverboard (Source: Hoverboard)

When a hoverbaord is compared to a one wheeler, it can be seen that the single wheel vehicle is much faster than the other one and also charges within a very short period of time. The hover board uses sonar technology in order to maintain stability and has a connectivity of API.

One-Wheeled Electric Hoverboard (Source: Tumblr)

The weight of the hoverboard is 11kg and powered by a motor of 5000W. The motor is placed on the drive-unit that is in the middle of the wheel. This gives the vehicle a top speed of 16mph and a range measuring 12 miles. The hoverboard is known to charge at the rate of one and half minutes per mile. The sonar detection of the board helps the board to be parallel to the ground. On the other hand, the regenerative braking is incorporated to recover the energy and to charge up the board when it is going downhill or needs de-acceleration.

One-Wheeled Electric Hoverboard (Source: Tumblr)

There are LED lighting and built-in speakers that play music while you are riding. These powers use up minute amount of power. There is a LCD screen on top of the board that displays the respective information of the rider.

There is an app for Android and iOS phones which can be connected through a Bluetooth to the wheeler for activating and locking it, checking the level of charge of the battery and for setting speed limits. The riding data of a particular ride like the average speed or the top speed can also be viewed with the help of this app.

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A Single-Wheeled Electric Hoverboard

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