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Using These Apps Can Mend Your Broken Heart

Apps to download just in case you don’t want to see your ex. Or even hear from him.

You add someone on facebook. He initiates a conversation through chat. You go out on a date. You hit it off and fall in love instantly. Change your relationship status on social media. Then, you realize he doesn’t sweep you off your feet anymore. The relationship dies and you break up. You change your relationship status to single again and now what?

In today’s technology, it’s hard to get over someone. You see his pictures. You see his posts. You miss him but you don’t want to get back with him. The best way to heal your broken heart is to completely deactivate your social media accounts. But that would be hard because you can only be reached mostly on… Facebook. Deactivating means saying goodbye to your digital social life.


Do not fret, dear heartbroken one. These apps are here to rescue you:

Drunk Dial NO!

Source: Appcrawlr

As soon as you break up with someone, you would want to get a drink. Make that two. Wait, are you drunk? If you’re sure about getting drunk anytime soon, download Drunk Dial NO! app for only $0.99. No need to worry about calling your ex in the middle of the night and waking up regretting over your poor choices in life.

Picture Burn

You know that Taylor Swift song about burning pictures of your ex? How about ‘digitally’ burning all those pictures you took on your phone while listening to the patron of all heartbroken girls? Picture Burn is the app for you.

Source: Fusion

Sometimes, burning the real pictures using real fire is so much better.


When the breakup’s still fresh, it’s hard to look at your ex’s face on facebook (you might end up asking yourself, what did you see in this guy?) but you are forced to remove all traces of him to help heal yourself. If you still find it too painful though, let KillSwitch do the job for you. They permanently remove all traces of your ex on your social media. No more “detagging, deactivation and staring at your ex’s stupid face everytime you login”.

Source: KillSwitch


BreakkUp and Wot Went Wrong

If your family and friends are tired of you asking them why the relationship failed, why don’t you go to online community where you can discuss your lovelife (or lack of it) anonymously?

Source: Popsugar

Source: Allwomenstalk

Never Liked It Anyway

If you find yourself hating what was once the best gift he ever gave you, there’s a site where you can sell it. Give those things a second chance by selling them to other people. Remember, what you consider junk (now) can be someone else’s treasure.

Source: Popsugar

Breakups are hard and social media can make it tough for you. However, there are apps like these that are very willing to help. Some might cost you though. But hey, if Katy Perry spent thousands for a heartbreak coach, a few dollars won’t be too bad. You’ll eventually be singing and dancing. You’ll survive.



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Using These Apps Can Mend Your Broken Heart

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