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Why An Engineer Needs Fresh Air At Work

What most of us often take for granted are the health benefits of fresh air to all of us - whether you’re an engineer working in an office building or exposed to the dust and dirt outside.

What most of us often take for granted are the health benefits of fresh air to all of us – whether you’re an engineer working in an office building or exposed to the dust and dirt outside. Most people forget how important it is to have a work environment that has good ventilation inside the building. Even if there are common standards for air quality inside a work place, they are often met but the quality is still not good enough for everyone exposed to the air. In fact, some would often say that meeting the “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Quality” cannot assure anyone that the quality of air is healthy enough.

For some people who are exposed to air-conditioned rooms and tight spaces, they often go through a phenomenon called the “sick building syndrome”. Symptoms include having chest tightness, coughing, eye irritation and headaches. But once ventilation is improved and fresh air enters the room, people would avoid feeling sick at work making them more productive and people would avoid transmitting infectious diseases at work.

Source: Giphy

Here are the main benefits of exposing yourself to fresh air at work.

It strengthens your immunity.

Our immunity involves our white blood cells fighting germs and bacteria in our bodies. Inhaling fresh air means you will more oxygen in your body and helps your white blood cells function properly.

Your blood pressure and heart rate improve.

When you’re exposed to polluted areas, your body has to work harder to get the amount of oxygen it needs, which affects your blood pressure. Avoid being in a toxic place.

It’s even good for your digestion too.

In case you didn’t know, inhaling fresh air improves your digestion. Have you ever wondered why it is recommended to take a walk outside after you eat? This should help you if you want to lose weight. 

It cleans your lungs. 

This one is quite obvious. We all know how important it is to have clean air for our lungs. Inhaling fresh air clears the airways of our lungs. It will also dilate more fully. 

Your mood will improve.

The amount of oxygen you get from the fresh air you inhale affects the amount of serotonin you will have. When you have more serotonin in your body, the happier you will get. Breathing in fresh air leaves you feeling more refreshed. 

You will be more energetic and have a sharper mind. 

The brain normally uses up 20% of our body’s oxygen, so getting fresh air will be able to provide you more oxygen than the normal ventilation setup in a work space. Breathing in fresh air allows you to have a clearer thinking capacity and improves your concentration. You will feel you have more energy to work as well.

Source: Giphy

Article Sources:

Good Relaxation

Harvard Business Review



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Why An Engineer Needs Fresh Air At Work

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